Anyone ever barbecue the cheeks of a pig’s face - la careta the Argies call it… Absolutely delicious but full of crispy fat…

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Salmon with bourbon glaze on a smoking plank.


Has anyone ever noticed that the meatballs on pizza, either frozen or delivered, always taste like liquorice (aniseed). Seems to be constant for me, a very weird taste on meat.
Just had a frozen pizza there that was in the freezer months taking up space, because I didn’t realise till I got home it had a BBQ sauce base. However bad meatballs are, bbq pizza is fucking rotten. I fucked it in the bin after a few bites

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I didn’t realise anyone ate frozen pizzas after second year in college.


Yes. I had noticed this is a past life when I ate processed foods…

Pizza should really only be tomato , mozzarella de bufala and some basil … pepperoni is ok occasionally.

Be grateful to Julio for expanding your closed mind.

Good one mate

Expanding his waistline more like.

I like pizza with BBQ sauce and meatballs on it. Every meat is fair game as a pizza topping.

I love pizza.

Pizza pizza pizza!

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You even mention a pineapple and I’ll fucking gut you

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Lovely bit of Moroccan scramble eggs with couscous for lunch… very quick and relatively healthy.


Hi mate, producers add strong flavours like aniseed to food to mask the strong taste of shit meat.

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Horse meat balls I suppose

Brunch or breakfast🤔

More likely horse balls than horse meat.

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These books are genuinely the best cook books you’ll ever get.

One pan, fire it in the oven, absolutely lovely.

I would say your “meat balls” are more likely balls than meat

Would you tire of “tray bakes” fairly quickly?

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I’m sure it’s fennel not aniseed

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I like a nice chili
Third dinner from the tomato sauce I made the other day

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