Cunts getting ahead of themselves. Need to be brought down a peg or two

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Meh :expressionless:

Only the 10 spuds mate?


Yeah I needed to cut down a bit


Gravy? Or just horse in?

Those spuds look great

Is that lamb mate?

That’s outstanding :clap:

Oh Dan. You’re just so…filthy!

That’s ravenous feed. :clap: those spuds :heart_eyes:

I’ve a tomahawk steak in the jeep. Forgot to bring it into the house this morning

Yeah. A noble feed.

I’m after three hours at timber. I’d nearly ate it again


They were done in with the lamb. Amongst the nicest 10 spuds I ever ate

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Nothing like it. Irish lamb is in demand and going to get expensive with the brits having difficulty selling into France (huge appetite for lamb).

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Lamb is hard beat.

+1 hate peas and I’m a roaster

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I’ve no time for gravy. Or coleslaw or stuffing in a snackbox. Only 75% roaster.

Chips with curry & stuffing :drooling_face:

Peas should only ever be mushy and with fish and chips and lashings of vinegar and beer.

I ate curried or deep fried peas from a chipper In Killarney once.