You want the stuff you slice off the sausage yourself. Not the prepacked slices

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Good chorizo in lidl, the specially selected.
It’s as good as anything you’ll get here, at about a third of the price of what you’ll pay in a fancy shop


Too much going on there pal , much more rice needed , it should dominate your paella with everything hidden amongst it …

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Reverse seared my first steak ever there. By God. That’s a game changer.


It’s a work in progress alright. I’ll throw in some mussels next time too.

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A proper kick-start to a proper British breakfast
cc @Tassotti


There a place in Hackney called Hash E8 that does an unreal bloody mary for breakfast if you are around for a few days


Cooked a fillet steak in the air fryer Ninja tonight ashamed to say it. It was as good a steak as I’ve ever made.

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Wow - quality in everything I cast an eye on there

Just lashed it in or had to sear it first?

Lashed it in. Dabbed it in olive oil, pepper, salt and rosemary. Took it out let it sit with garlic & butter on top for 6 mins.

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Some value for 8 pahnd fifteeeeee

About 8000 calories for 8 pahnd fifteeee

He’s a very nice man. He is very polite to the staff everywhere


Great grubbing there


Nothing to declare?

If I could I’d give that a “lovin it”

Any of ye ever eat eel? I’m watching Rick Stein here and it doesn’t look too appetising. @Fagan_ODowd , surely you’ve tried it?

I’ve had it in a tasting menu
It’s fucking awful

I remember fishing as a kid and you’d catch an eel. The smell off the fuckers was horrific.

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You’d get lovely smoked eel from a lot of Irish smokehouses, you should give it a go sometime, Frank Hederman does a lovely one down in Cobh, you’ll pick it up in the market in Cirknif you’re ever there, but you’d pick some up in Kilkenny no bother, if you like fish you’ll like it