That was a free range chicken allegedly.

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You can’t really be messing with the €5/6 lads in the supermarkets. Although the marketeers have me swayed that the cook in the bag ones’ are better when in reality this is charade. Using chicken thighs last few years for bits but am starting to go off them from finding/chewing those few cartillage bits. Slow cooker stuff.

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The skinless, boneless, chicken thighs are great for curries. They used to be great value, but probably dearer than breasts now.


I’ve never eaten anybody from Carlow so i wouldn’t be able to comment.

I’ve an acquaintance who married a Carlow lady. He’s kept her on low.

There’s nothing wrong with MSG in reasonable quantities.

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Nah mate, a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce and a half a tablespoon of MSG is lunacy. You’ll have sodium pouring out of your eyes.

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Salt has six times more sodium than soy sauce but the lads think soy is the problem.

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The chopsticks are circling


Salt is very high in salt alright


The Lazy Susan’s are circling

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Lads who think salt and sodium are the same thing :joy:

Where does all the sodium in Soy sauce come from?

Who put the so in soy?

I’d get an awful thirst after a dose of soya sauce on my sushi. More than anything else I’d ate.

It must be full of salt and MSG.

What’s that got to do with the price of soy beans?

As I said, salt is fierce salty! :man_shrugging:

So is potassium chloride, but it has no sodium. The chloride is just as important in terms of taste, thus salt and sodium are not interchangeable.

Salt, in terms of food is sodium chloride, potassium chloride is generally used as a fertiliser

Therefore if Soy sauce is high in sodium it’s because it has loads of salt (NaCl),
There’s a very obvious reason why salt is higher in sodium than soy sauce,

Sodium can be added as a preservative