@TheUlteriorMotive get a tenderloin - I get that every year with a baked ham - nobody here eats Turkey and there’s a reason it wouldn’t be ate from one end of the year to the next… it’s dry as an arabs tackie

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Wow! Love it. Going to have a cut off that this year.


I second this…but would add, bring your own stuffing with you to the butcher when he tells you come in. He’ll stuff it and tie it up for you then. Wouldn’t rely on shop stuffing for the big day that’s in it

I fucking love stuffing.


I’m a big stuffing fan too. What’s your method?

Sirloin ffs. You’d have the false teeth worn out chewing. Beef Wellington is supposed to be made with a good fillet.


Fuck load of onions I sautee a bit in an absolute fuckton of butter. Thyme, rosemary, small bit of sage in the pan for a bit with them.

Let them cool. Mix them through the breadcrumbs and then a shitload of parsley mixed through too.

Jam it up poultry of choice and fight all comers who attempt to take lions share.

*Measurements may not be exact

** All fresh herbs, no fucking about with that jarred muck


I was gifted a tomahawk steak which I plan on cooking up Thursday evening.

What is the best way to tackle one of these? Reverse sear? assume because of the bone it will take a bit longer to cook through to get her medium rare

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Would go for this personally. Gets it spot on to the way you like it

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My only concern is trying to finish it in the pan after it has been in the oven. How much heat does the bone hold?

Wrap the bone in timfoil

You’re not leaving on the pan all that long tbh. Super hot pan to char it either side is all your doing to it.

Tbh, the extra length bone is a bit of a gimmick. Adds to weight so adds to price. Wouldn’t be worrying too much about it. Hack it to a more more manageable size if needs be

Its more so trying to fit in it the pan to sear due to the bone

Yeah so you can hack it to whatever size suits really. Looking at a standing rib roast, bone nowhere the length. No need

Are lads still ating Turkey on Christmas Day like some class of Charles Dickens urchin ?

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The reason people ate a ham is Limerick.

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Just trying to help a brother out with the fourth hardest dish to make. Its not stewing beef - sirloin should be manageable considering Supervalu/quinn sirloin steaks in general are fairly tender.

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More importantly how do lads do the ham. I’ve done it with coca cola the last few years but I’m tempted to give the cider a go this year after a colleague was selling me on the dream and it sounded grand.

The best scene ever !