They’ll put the worst of them under the pastry where no one will see it till it’s too late

Has to be fillet for a wellington, if you get the duxelle and the timing for the meat right it’s a great dish

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The traditional way. With lots of soaking and changing the water. Then finish it off with a honey and mustard glaze in the oven.


Can’t go wrong with honey and mustard for the glaze. Most hams aren’t near as salty as before so I’d only soak it the night before cooking more so out of tradition rather than effect.

You can never be too careful. You’d feel rightly mugged off if you ended up with a salty ham for the Christmas dinner.

Very good suggestion. We used to do that back in the day too.

But you’d have a fair thirst on you……silver linings and all that.

@Big_Dan_Campbell the bbq is the best job for the Tomahawk

20 plus posts of scutter without a photo of a bit of grub.

This thread is on its knees.

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I wouldn’t doubt you but I don’t have one

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Be the change you want to see

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An oul pot of stew is what you need in this weather


Throwing a few widows memories in was a nice touch.


Here goes nothing. (It’s from FXB)


Seems a waste of a sausage but prob a nice bit of flavour


We have a winner

That’s exactly what I’d do. A nice cranberry stuffing.

Why ye going solo? I’d hardly make porridge and a slice of toast most mornings without my 2 causing consternation, nevermind a Christmas dinner.

It’s time.

He’s obviously been barred after last year