I’d say you’re addicted to getting abuse. Strategically placed battered cutlery and plates followed by the inevitable :astonished: :astonished:

(Not a pile on, just an observation. Have a great St Stephens night etc.)

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Ah lovely laois v cork. No mark city. As roy gathers the plaudits before he becomes a cunt again

Its the most wonderful time of the year


I wouldn’t throw that out.

Buy good stuff. Let it last as long as it can.

You’ve people buying and dumping stuff year in, year out, and the world is fucking destroyed.

I’d be the same with clothes. I’ve a hoody going for about 12 years, and the Mrs recently had to sew a pocket back on because I wasn’t letting it go.


You’d know someone in Limerick area who’d throw a handle on that knife for the man?

Wouldn’t have a clue mate!

I’ve a pair of jeans here that are like Triggers brush, I’m tempted to put up a picture for the reaction :open_mouth:

But they’re class, look great and are incredibly comfortable, the woman that repaired them was in stitches when I brought them in the last time, they cost me about 180 euro when I bought them about 10 years ago :open_mouth:

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A good carpenter will sort that knife out. Nice timber handle

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Knife shaming shames us all.

It’s Christmas… Be kind.

Save the world one roll of sticky tape at a time

18 euro a year. You wouldn’t buy a pair in Dunnes or Penneys for that I reckon

Ah you would.

Jeans last years depending on the action they see.

I’ve hoodies and T-shirts near 15 years old too. Some people are awful cunts for throwing away perfectly good clothes


Oh I hear you. I wear things til they’re in bits. And then I’d used them for jobs around the place. The Mrs was a dressmaker and designer and I’d ask her to fix anything. She forced me to get rid of one pair of jeans a few years ago after a decade. The jocks were visible through the crotch area but at least the boys weren’t out of the barracks


The gate was open, but the bull was quiet?

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The leftover ham and pineapple salsa is lovely in an omelette. The vanilla porter is a fine accompaniment.


I wouldn’t often wander in here, and rarely more post here, but Jaysus.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks


You should be taken out and shot.



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I notice a lot of lads let themselves go when they get married, couldn’t give a shite about their appearance, walking around in auld lad clothes barely held together, its awful to see with such low self esteem