you must have had wan as a young child

No I didn’t.

And now you’re an egg-head. Karma.

I’m sorry but you must be lying


I’m not. My father never ate one either. Between the two of us there’s nearly a century of rejeggtion.


Eggsactly. You can’t beat them.

I’ll get my coat.

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I thought eggs and spuds were all they had to eat back then?


Spuds and half head

Jayus, i didn’t think it was possible to go through life without eating an egg is some form.

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How do you know you don’t like them if you’ve never tried them?

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I’d say the M&L or some place has surely had egg as an ingredient in your dinner unbeknownst to you.

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…. + 1

I won’t pull him up on things where eggs might be included within the ingredients. I’d say that would impossible to avoid.

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How do you know you don’t like them so

Why so neggative?

A case of the chicken coming first

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That’s a very reasonable view and not in keeping with the spirit of the forum.

Ice cream, mayonnaise and pasta has eggs in it.

A lad not ating eggs can forget about it.

The smell off of them.


Correct. As ingredient no problem as long as not to eggy.