Would ya ate egg fried rice ?

Not really.

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So.ypur oldman had conditioned you against eggs? You’ll ate gizzards and blood sausages but an egg has been conditioned into you as a no-no.

Mad all the same

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My mother doesn’t eat eggs. I ate eggs my whole life. When I was about 35 I asked her why she wasn’t having an egg. She said she’d never eaten an egg her whole life.

I simply hadn’t noticed.

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Same as my ma, wouldn’t touch an egg.

Can’t say I was fond of egg sandwiches that were only thing on offer on trips to the beach as a kid. Fart sandwiches- smell of and cause of.


I would ate absolutely anything. Except an egg. Me mother tried to bribe me into eating them when I was young but I couldn’t bring my self to do it.


I used to love egg sandwiches. Still would eat one.

I ate raw eggs as a kid with milk and glucose powder (thinking it would be good for me like Rocky). I learned later you can’t really digest raw eggs.

My auld lad doesn’t eat boiled eggs (not sure if he’d have eggs at all much tbh)

Said he ate a dozen of them in one sitting as a young lad and it turned him off them for life.

And he’d ate everything else more or less.

Had he been watching Cool Hand Luke?


No…he would have been in his twenties by the time that came out. I’d say he did this when he was 10 or so, probably around the time he got absolutely scuttered drunk at a funeral and didn’t drink again til he was 27

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If it was a child you’d say to cop on

@Spidey and @Fagan_ODowd can have a well deserved break now - their deliberations are in……

Michelin star results make it seem like wheels have come off for a number of Irish restaurants

When will Ireland get its first three-Michelin star restaurant?


Chapter One in Dublin: There had been an expectation that Mickael Viljanen’s restaurant would land three Michelin stars. Photograph: Donal Murphy

Corinna Hardgrave's face

Corinna Hardgrave

Mon Mar 27 2023 - 21:37

It was a podium finish for a jubilant Ahmet Dede at the Silverstone Circuit in England on Monday when Clare Smyth, the chef and owner of the three-Michelin starred Core restaurant, announced that the Co Cork restaurant he co-owns with Maria Archer had been awarded two stars.

Also sharing the glory and adding to Cork’s triumph was Terre, the restaurant at Castlemartyr Resort, which opened last September and was awarded one Michelin star.

But outside of these wins and awards for service and mentorship for Declan Maxwell and Michael Deane, there was a feeling that the wheels had come off for a number of restaurants in Ireland.

The expectation that Chapter One by Mickael Viljanen would land three Michelin stars was widely touted, not just in Ireland but overseas, with a number of UK chefs saying in press previews that its time had come.


Michelin star results make it seem like wheels have come off for a number of Irish restaurants

Michelin star results make it seem like wheels have come off for a number of Irish restaurants

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Restaurant review: One of the best – and most expensive – meals I’ve ever eaten

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The chief inspector of the Michelin Guide UK & Ireland, who was available for comment following the announcement of the awards on Monday evening, was giving little away. The assessors have visited regularly, he said, to gauge the way the cuisine at Chapter One is evolving and maturing.

[ Michelin stars: The power to make or break careers, businesses – and lives ]

When everything is in place for Chapter One, be in no doubt, it will be joining the family of three-star restaurants.

“To become a three-star restaurant is to basically say that this is one of the best restaurants in the world. It’s a restaurant that is going to provide an incredible experience. Not only just the sophistication and originality and personality of the cuisine, but there’s also everything else that goes with it,” he said.

“So when we make these decisions, and the inspectors absolutely love seeing a new restaurant join the family of three-star restaurants, we have to be very, very sure of our decision.”

[ Restaurant review: One of the best – and most expensive – meals I’ve ever eaten ]

The good news was that no restaurant in Ireland lost a star or was demoted, although the situation with Aimsir restaurant in Kildare is a glaring outlier for the ultra-cautious guide.

Jordan Bailey, the head chef, and his wife, Majken Bech-Bailey, will be finishing up in the restaurant after their final service on April 15th. The chief inspector said they were surprised to hear that they were moving on, but for now, anyone visiting would have a two-star experience, and they would reassess the restaurant when they left. As Michelin now works on a digital platform, they can react to changes more quickly.

[ New two-star Michelin restaurants, but when will Ireland get a three-star? ]

There was disappointment in Galway too, as Lignum, a restaurant with high expectations of a Michelin star, ultimately received no award. The Michelin inspectors are famously thorough in their evaluation of restaurants, ensuring that each bite is of the same exceptional standard.

They use five criteria: the “quality of the ingredients used, mastery of flavour and cooking techniques, the personality of the chef in his cuisine, value for money and consistency between visits”.

Chef Danny Africano is full of ideas, he regularly changes his multicourse menu, and although this can be exciting for the diner – because the food is very good indeed – it may be the sword he falls on when box-ticking inspectors rock up.

If one amuse bouche is not up to standard, there will be no green light for a coveted star. There is of course a balance to be struck between playing it too safe with boring consistent dishes and a multicourse menu which provides numerous obstacles.

[ Aimsir resignations: Couple who set up Michelin two-star restaurant quit their roles ]

It is no doubt disheartening for Africano and his team, but he may well reflect on how long it took Viljanen to get to where he is today. He was passed over for several years before landing his first Michelin star for The Greenhouse in 2016, and that was after he dropped a few extraneous elements from his menu.

Ultimately, we’ll celebrate the victories bestowed upon us by the Michelin Guide and the major triumphs in Cork. But in the absence of a handbook or a clear understanding of how the Michelin inspectors work, there is an uncomfortable feeling that we should be celebrating more.

And reluctantly, we’ll wait another year, at least, before Ireland is awarded its first three-Michelin star accolade.


Feeding time at the zoo as the man says.


They’re not perch anyway.

I know a lad who eats 12 eggs a day. Doesn’t eat chicken so gets his protein from the eggs.

His Mother was freaking that he was doing his body harm so got bloods etc done. Everything fine.

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Im going for the reverse sear here. The only problem is ive the wine finished while waiting for the thing to oven cook.


Tis late for a feed like that. I wouldn’t sleep for the night

I could finish with an espresso and sleep like a baby. I think it’s because I’m on such good terms with everyone here.