Hope you choke you cunt

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You’re not alone


There’s a lot going on there. Care to explain yourself?

3 ceviches, sea bass and prawns, plantain chips, tequila and mezcal.
Esperanza, Manhattan beach

Looks good. I don’t get tequila though, tastes like mouldy petrol

The crap tequila yes, but good tequila or mescal with a bit of lime and a few subtle flavors is divine.

Anyone reccomend the best Buffalo sauce to get for wings? I normally use Frank’s but there’s gotta be better out there

You have to mix it with melted butter. It’s too harsh on it’s own

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Add to @Spidey 's suggestion, cayenne pepper, Worcestershire sauce and garlic + onion powder to give it some bang. Bit of paprika good too.

Find franks boring by itself at this stage, this kicks the heat and flavor up and the butter adds richness.

Air fryer brilliant as well if you have one.


I’m taking this on board. I’ll do it next time. Franks on it’s own is getting a bit boring & it’s very watery.


That and a bottle of white wine (drinkable) was 31.30 euro.


Are you sampling the Albarino?

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No need for cutlery, lash in

A plate of bones and a small bit of onion was all that was left

Good atin’. Thrun down on the couch now for an hour or two, happy out!!!

Off to see John Wick wreak havoc now for a few hours

Will be class when they cook the chips