I’d say they’re cooked - fresh oil.


Chips were lovely. I also had a few spoons of mash because I’m worth it.

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Look like the arse end of a bag of Walkers crisps. Portion size fairly similar too. Wouldn’t feed a badger’s belly button with that.

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Describe a traditional Irish breakfast and produce an image

A traditional Irish breakfast usually includes bacon rashers, sausages, black and white pudding, eggs, mushrooms, grilled tomatoes, and baked beans. Here is an image of a typical Irish breakfast:

I can’t see that image

I apologize for that. Here’s a description of a traditional Irish breakfast:

A traditional Irish breakfast includes bacon rashers, sausages, black and white pudding, eggs, mushrooms, grilled tomatoes, and baked beans. The bacon rashers are strips of bacon that are fried until crispy. The sausages are made from pork and are usually grilled or fried. Black and white pudding are breakfast sausages made from pork and oatmeal, with the black pudding having added blood. Eggs can be cooked in various ways, such as fried, poached, or scrambled. Mushrooms are often sautéed with garlic and butter. Grilled tomatoes are cooked with a sprinkle of salt and pepper. Finally, baked beans are heated and served as a side dish.

Baked Beans are not part of an Irish breakfast


I apologize for the mistake. Baked beans are not a traditional part of an Irish breakfast. They are more commonly associated with a typical English breakfast. Thank you for correcting me.

Ceist won’t sleep well tonight after that clamping


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An unusual sauce for prawns. What are we looking at?

Giant wild prawns :shrimp: in red chili sauce.

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You’ll never survive on TFK if you keep admitting when you are wrong

It’s important to admit when you are wrong because it shows integrity and a willingness to learn and improve. It’s okay to make mistakes as long as we learn from them and strive to do better in the future.

Ceist should pay his gambling debts from Cheltenham. Young wan is after losing her job over him. As George Hook said, the mask has slipped.

Ceiist is a barstool RA Anglophile, quite the feat.

Grand bit of hake there.

This lady did her business whilst I was munching away.


I’m confused

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The cunt has been harvesting likes.

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