Classic Gaz - the Gareth Keenan of the food world

Gaz is running an incredible ship in Blackrock by all accounts.

Back to basics :heart_eyes:


I did gnocchi in the pan tonight in a small bit of oil… Had fried up some bacon lardons and chicken in garlic and set aside until gnocchi was ready… Mixed the lot up with pesto and topped with black pepper and parmesan .



I’ve a big fuck of tomahawk steak in the freeze since Christmas that I’m going to do up the bank holiday weekend with some gnocchi based off your post


Not a vegetable in sight, take that gut health.

I get enough fibre in my diet that i don’t need vegetables with every single meal i eat… What a strange comment from you.

Doesn’t gnocchi come from the spud?

Pesto made from basil :person_shrugging:t2:

Id a feed of pints last night and am hanging a little. A feed i love in this state is this… a sweet potato thrown in the air fryer, with a bit of butter and a heap of feta cheese. Fucking unreal.

What did you do to yourself last night that they had to bring you Temple St?


It’s from when juhy jr decided he could jump over a fence about 1.2 m high, with spikes on top…took a chunk out of the back of his knee.

We had a few conversations since about not trying to jump things/seeing if something might be dangerous… then he went straight over the barrier at parnell park the other week with the exact same method…

Was in Spitalfields in the Coombe earlier.

Highly recommended.

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@backinatracksuit Soba on Upper William St.
2nd visit. Serious portion sizes, great flavour and most tables full with Chinese people. They have the full chinese menu too, with all the weird shit if you are into that.

Worth checking out if you haven’t already.


Baked skillet.

Spuds, mushrooms, tomatoes, chorizo, eggs and Sriracha. Yum.


They used to do a noodle soup in there that was unreal. Pork belly + char sui in it.

Unfortunately, the chef hit the road post-covid and they changed the menu, removing noodle soups.

Still good grub in there, decent range of ingredients too


Frog Legs in Szechwan Soup
Duck Tongue
Wok Fried Intestines

Get the szcehwan soup but sub in pork or chicken next time. Unreal stuff. Youd be ready fight a war after it

Duck tongue are much of nothing really. Fuck all on them, barely a nibble to them

Intestines in soup i don’t mind. Not a fan when wok fried.

Load up on frozen dumplings and parathas while there. Parathas unreal with a curry

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From looking at the other tables i think they are meant to be sharing plates for the table. Huge portions but prices to match.

Yeah, looked priceyi thought on that photo you sent