Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Goodman. How long does he age the beef?

the wife was in good mood and made Shakshouka there,
we ate it with home made challa bread, houmous and a shirazi salad i think it is called, its Persian anyway and is made from chopped cucumber, tomato, red onion and lime juice,
she’s off making pitta’s now and then we can make a sandwich for the breakfast with the pitta, hommous and a fried slice of battered eggplant
i dunno what inspired this, she made some sauce called mathbucha as well, lethal , im dripping sweat like a roaster…
Backlawa for desert later


lads were ye ever in a situation where your Mrs. smashed a cup on the floor in a rage, happened there a few weeks ago, she got a bit stressed with the young lad and me messing with her, she was grand then a bit later


28 days I believe, it’s seriously good beef, great butcher for the offal and Limerick delicacies as well (eye bones and tha kind of thing)

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Lovely. I’ll give it a shot and report back. There is an old school butcher in Marino that will sort me out I’m sure

I tried this this eveing, but the Creme Fraiche split?


The burnt fish fingers were bound to make a reappearance at some stage tonight. Do you have any flat 7up to settle your stomach again, mate?


Is that buttered burger buns I’m seeing here?

You’ve hit rock bottom pal. Burnt fish fingers two nights in a row, could one of the lads on the site not sub you a few bob to get some decent fodder?

@Massey has offered to sort you out with a start back here. Swallow your pride and escape that sordid grief hole you are staying in now.

I’d say it’s an English muffin or crumpet or something that us fucking roasters wouldn’t have a clue about,
Like @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy said above, it’s almost a relief to see that he’s given up trying to feed himself well when it’s always going to be dinner for one, fucker was killing himself for no good reason, and I’d say cooking on that piece of shit yoke is no joke.

To be fair to the man, @Tassotti single-handedly resuscitated the Ravenous franchise. He was lighting the forum up with some of the stuff he was knocking together late last year / early this year. And nobody cooks eggs like he does. Fact.

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Those ARE eggs in that last picture? With mushrooms from a tin? Or am I mistaken? Then it’s true, I’ve never seem eggs like them before, Christ it looks disgusting, what you said may be true but he’s just having a laugh now

FFS pal, the man got sick on his favourite plate. Lay off for a bit.

Looks like those eggs you make by mixing powder and water together

Right, are they eggs or not, it’s indictment enough that we can’t even tell for sure, fucker will claim they’re organic when the colour would indicate that they are the cheapest of the cheap (if they are indeed eggs at all?)
And those mushrooms (if they are mushrooms) look vile. it’s like they were boiled.

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By powder, you mean “cement”, and by “eggs” you mean “concrete”, right?

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I’ve just finished a savage meal. A creation that will never be made again. Red onion, celery, tomatoes and sweet potato diced and cooked with a tonne of garlic in red pesto, the juice from a roast chicken and some red curry paste and some hot sauce I got as a present from mexico. Once cooked, I threw in some cheese, pasta and chicken, stirred that motherfucker and it was delicious. Raging I went for a smallish portion.*

*possibly a normal portion for others.

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Sauce for a roaster

G’way, you’ll be dying for it after subsisting on squarehead stew with the last while