Fitness XL- Your training routine

Yerra theres nothing to her at all shur.

Were you in doing a bit

No I was getting a few bits of Sea Bass in Londis next store when I saw the whohah.

How did you have the auld sea-bass, pal?

Beside another one pal.

Simple enough, lightly pan fried in butter served with a squeeze of lemon, some steamed broccoli and a feed of new spuds (mashed with butter and diced onions).

This is the last time I give you this recipe but for white fish - pack it into a dish good and tight - for instance I cooked for 6 at the weekend and bought 6 pieces of whiting and put it into one of those disposable silver foil baking dishes you get in dealz or euro store etc. etc the 6 pieces were nice and snug- it needs to be snug, got it? Ok, now that your fush is snug you drizzle with a little oil and season with salt and pepper. Next you cover the fish with a layer of basil, the better the qulity of basil the more flavour later. Once this is done (and it should stick to the oil, you can patt down the basil so that it does stick) cover in creme fraiche - 2 pots was enough for my 6 pieces. You then slice cherry tomatoes in half and sit them in lines into the creme fraiche throughout the dish and the cover the lot in parmesan cheese…have the oven piping hot, fire it in for 25/30 mins - Un-fucking-real. My guests were raving about it - 10 mins work and you’re a hero. Unbelievable.

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That sounds unreal and I do have to cook for a gang on Friday evening.

My sinuses would be fired up good and proper after it too.

It is simple to make and delicious. It’s all in the seasoning and basil. I bought organic stuff in the Limerick market and the flovour was top notch… few roast baby spuds which were drizzled in oil and sprinkled with mixed herbs and accompanied by roasted organic carrots again with a drizzle of oil and honey- Shazam!


I read that recipe and my nose was instantly blocked. Sounds savage all the same. There should be a “handy recipes for lads to impress the shit out of birds” thread on here.

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@caoimhaoin, as mentioned before I was thinking I’d give German Volume Training a go for two months or so with the aim of putting on a two or three kilos. I have some ifs and buts though.

I understand GVT to be something like 6 major compound exercises (DL, squat, bench, row, shoulder press, pull up), 10 sets of 10 reps at 60% 1RM.

To be honest, I don’t think I could handle the DOMS of that much squatting a week. I saw a version somewhere where you do 4 of the 6 above exercises on a given day, with a few sets of assisting or isolated muscle exercises done for 15x4 at the end. That seemed more manageable and something I could fit into Mon, Wed, Fri.


Well anything that moves away from the 10x10 then isn’t GVT so its hard to be absolute sure you are getting all the benefit for your effort as the science is on the GVT and not variants of it.

I would go with Goblet squats, wouldn’t dream of doing back squats for those kinda reps. I would also only use RDL’s as opposed to DL’s for fear of fatigued use of the lumbar region.

what some people do, while not strictly GVT but dam close, is;
Goblet squat 6 x10 paired with Supine Row 6 x10
Lunge 4 x10 paired with DB Row 4 x10

Then the next day day you flip that. So they are 2 knee dominant exercises paired with 2 pulling exercises. The change up may just reduce the doms but still working reasonably similar patterns.

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Started with a new PT today. My mobility is a fucking disgrace :blush:

All fixable though :thumbsup:

starting doing drop sets recently, it has changed my life in ways that I never thought possible, I have been wasting my time for years, the results are unreal, I am gone from my 76 kilo’s to 81, its pure muscle, my waist has got smaller if anything


Anyone know about strength and conditioning? :slight_smile:


Pm if you are serious.

Anyone take part in the Dublin marathon today? @Bandage? @Mac?

I came 6th

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That must be the lowest turnout in years.
Who was the lad that came in behind you?

I won it. :slight_smile:

went into the gym there on the way home, 25 minutes drop setting on squats starting at 140 and going back down to 10x1 at 70kg, and 10 minutes on the stepper, unreal workout, really put me i good form, I love when that happens, going to do a bit of core work later on and another 10 minute session on the stepper

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