Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Salad Cream.Jesus do people still eat that.

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I don’t know, I do anyway but only with bacon and cabbage so it’s still being sold in the shops. You should try it sometime

Do they still sell that

I like salad cream, taste of an 80s childhood

This was a beautiful piece of beef, sorry about the roundy carrots @TreatyStones


Just made some brown bread using a Nevin Maguire recipe, lads. Seems to have turned out fairly well based on a slight sample and a glance at the finished product. PM message me if you want the recipe.


Must say that looks very well. Just the job with a bowl of soup on a cold day like today

Would you believe I had a pasta carbonara on the go too so had a couple of slices of my bread on a little side plate and liberally dipped the bread into the pasta sauce?


That’s a smashing bread board.

It really is.


Thanks @ironmoth, @horsebox. Means a lot lads.

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Was it your first go at baking? Its slightly wan looking in the middle of it. I like the sprinkle of porridge oats on top I must say.

I made a lovely brown treacle bread at the weekend.

That looks lovely @Bandage. Welcome to the tfk Bakers clique.


I’d say you did alright.


That’s a lovely colorful presentation, there’s nothing like a few mangetout to complete the palette on a dinner plate.

Welcome back to the thread by the way, you’ve been missed.

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I did a bit better than alright

Double post.

Love those toasted sandwich makers. Lived with a lad who’d do every meal in it. Leftovers from his mammy’s Sunday dinner would be between two slices of bread on a Monday morning


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