Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

I wouldn’t have posted up the picture of the steak if I was him.

schoolboy error in fairness

any sign of any field mushrooms this year?

Thanks carry. I find it vaguely sinful seeing food go to waste. The amount of windfall apples out my way going to mush on the ground would break your heart and then families buying 6 pink ladies from New Zealand in SuperValue for 3.99.

The only thing that’s limiting me now is that I’ve run out of jars. I’ve every jar in the house now full of jam. There has been an unreal harvest of berries this year.


Passed a beautiful crop of them last night but there were in the type of spot where dogs take a piss so I left them there. I picked a couple and smelled them and they smelled unreal.

there’s something very wrong with throwing out food, I’d always ate everything, even a two or 3 day old Chinese take away

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I would have brought them home and ate them, sure when you cook them, any bacteria of shite gets killed

There is and half the world starving and we bringing apples all the way round the world.

I couldn’t chance it with my health.

Did you see any of the magic variety on your travels?

They are called Hasselback potatoes, you gimp, after the Hasselbacken restaurant in Stockholm where they were first made.

You made an ape of yourself there, but not as mch as the three uberapes that liked your post.


Both are excellent, unlike American lamb which is by and large horrendous.

The standards have really gone up here. There was a time a picture of a fried egg would get 10 likes.


So why did you call them Hasslebank potatoes ?



think @TreatyStones wins this round.

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It was actually very moist, although overdone all right. I had overladed the BBQ/smoker with briquettes as the potatoes take about an hour, and it was over 300C in there. Although I only cooked the meat for 5 minutes a side, it sat for too long in the tinfoil and overcooked due to being so sizzling hot on the outside (and the time taken to drink a few whiskies in anticipation). On reflection, I should have let it sit au natural to rest without the tinfoil. Lessons learned.

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A typo, unlike your ignorance of the “el” and not “le” in Scandanavian languages.

I’ve a few of those Hasselback potatoes in the oven to go along with my roast lamb, I’ve em brushed with butter, will put a bit of salt and pepper on in a while, anything else I should know, the recipe I sae called for chives but I’ve none.

How do you make Hasselbaink potatoes? Never heard of them.


Brush them with garlic butter again half way through, then sprinkle a bit of parmesan cheese over them for the last 10 minutes in the oven, and chopped parsley at the end.

They are too complicated for you mate, you’d make a Jimmy Hasselbaink of them, or lose a finger.

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