Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

I haven’t been shopping but I have parsley and parmesan, cheers.

Here we go. Ready for the oven. Hasselbank spuds. Unreal. What a poster @anon7035031 Is


I’m just looking for the recipe to give to the missus Chef, Any chance you could put it up please.

From Weber’s New American BBQ by Jamie Purviance


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a double clamping

you dont see that much these days

So far so good,


He’s a tricky hoore to nail down, you’d want your head examined to be going at him.

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you fucked up the two at the bottom, the ends are cut off and you tried to stick them back on… too hard with the knife, a sign of no culinary expereince

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The one on the left is still attached, the other one I fucked up alright but like yourself I hate waste so I stuck it in the oven anyway, I went good and deep with the cuts, i’d say you only went half way down?


Deep cuts are the key to them, otherwise they won’t fan out and the butter won’t penetrate them properly*. There’s a fine line though between deep cuts and cutting all the way through the bastards.

  • Butter and penetration should make it easier for the roasters to comprehend.

you inspired a few lads here today to cook these, that must make you very special?


I feel like Jimmy Hasselbaink in 1999 mate, who made 18 cuts in a potato to celebrate his Golden Boot winning season. Top of the pile.


I really enjoyed that quip.

He would, no doubt. Sure you’d have be used to eating any shite with him
Look at what he’s eating today.

Looking forward to a couple of these now


Have ye no plates, buddy?

I was showing off my cuts and my pyrex jug mate, we’ve more plates than I know what to do with

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I have a beautiful leg of lamb cooked as well but it’s not pink enough for you lads so I’ll keep it to myself.


I have a lovely tomato and basil sauce on the go. Will be having it with spaghetti and meatballs