Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

The mrs says the same to me :smiley:

Not a hope on either count seriously…I might change my tune though eventually…


oh Jesus im done, might be a night-watchman post later. maybe



Lamb casserole tonight, best thing about the winter drawing in is the one pot stews


nice design, pal

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How would you know what the Chinese food is like in Belfast?

The potatoes in that look fantastic. Nice looking kitchen and caserole pot as well, makes a pleasant change from the hovel with the veneer.

Because I’ve been to Belfast loads of times. In truth I usually ate in the same chinese restaurant up there.

Are you seeing something no one else can see from that image?


I love a good Indian, Kinara or Bombay Pantry. 99% of Chinese restaurants in this country are dreck but the couple of authentic ones like the M & L are brilliant.

Lashed them under the grill for the last 20 minutes, it’s the first time I got them to crisp up a bit like that

@backinatracksuit can recognise class when he sees it


I don’t doubt it’s classy but I’ll wait until I visit to make a definitive call, okay.

Long overdue mate

Absolutely stuffed here. Celebreated getting down to 75 kgs (lightest I’ve ever been by) by heading over to the gf’s family’s house and having Indonesian nasi lemak for lunch, with nasi goreng, beef rendang, cereal prawns and some black crunchy squid thing. Can barely move.


Holy shit, that looks savage :heart_eyes:

I am letting the meat settle there now, its a lovely little thing to do now and again, a nice bit of a roast on a Sunday for yourself