Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Very good - lets the meat keep the juices in. You’d know it’s not the first time you’ve rustled a roast lunch together. I’ve a roast chicken on, as it happens. A Sunday roast really is a top tradition.

He must not be feeding the two kids at all.

Ah lovely

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You’re the only man keeping this thread going. I read back over one week’s worth of posts just now and there were about five posts worth reading in over 100 posts, four of them pictures of your dinners and one a picture of gman’s dinner.

The other posts were stuff like one fell saying he’d never ate a chinese or indian meal in his life and another lad asking which sauce s better with a steak, pepper sauce or mushroom sauce. :rollseyes:


That meat is so overcooked mate, it look like corned beef. Medium rare roast beef isn’t hard to do, but you need to pay attention. 15 minutes or so at high temp, then drop it down (need to open the oven door to cool it quickly, unless you have a high end oven like @HBV ) to medium, another 15 min per pound. Measure the internal temp with a meat thermometer, it should be 135F. Wrap it in tinfoil for 15 minutes, you can throw the juices into your onion and mushroom sauce.


It’s funny how threads get hijacked like that. Total clowns reading something remotely intellectual, and then in misunderstanding it, go off in a brainless tangent. Then another 10 simpletons (all the Tipp crowd anyway) follow them like lemmings, and before you know it, it’s like a Monty Python sketch.


Should post that on the Roaster thread, both literally and figuratively.



Jesus. You must be a fair finicky bastard.

Or else a stubborn and simple muldoon. You know the type with a big animated head on him telling uninterested relations before a meal at a family gathering that he’s never eaten Chinese or Indian food. As if that’s something to be proud of or boastful about.


The sort of fella who goes straight for an Irish bar to watch ‘de hurlin’ the moment he lands in a foreign country.


Why would you be happy to admit a lack of culinary experience? You are one odd cunt.

What part of China did you visit mate? Or was it a Chinese speaking country you went to?

Sure jaysus I wouldn’t touch that stuff, there could be dog or anything in it. A mate of mine saw a fella walking into that chinese down the road with two dogs and he came out only holding the leads and the collars.


There used to be loads of stray cats around here and I swear to god I haven’t seen a single cat since the new chinese opened.


he is an odd cunt because he wont eat food that only those disgusting withered looking bastards the chinese seem to eat?
you wont see people in civilised countries eating the way the chinese do, there is a very good reason for that.

I had a lovely bit of roast lamb for the lunch in Becketts (now the River Cottage) before the match in Walsh Park yesterday. Great bit of meat, almost muttony, the fat was so sweet. You can’t beat Comeragh Mountain lamb. Had roast and mash potatoes with that and carrots peas and broccoli. Had a ginger pudding then for my sweet.


You have to admire @Fagan_ODowd, the way he can turn on a six pence and bridge the gap between food-hipster and full-on roaster worlds is impressive.

It’s how you tell em, kid.

How can you trust a nation that keep chickens as pets and eat their dogs?