Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

I’ve a bit of rib eye lined up for tomorrow’s dinner. Thinking about it already.


Mine was awful. I went to a different butcher today (well known and thought of in Limerick city) paid top dollar and about half was edible. Looked grand before I cooked it. What I could eat was fine.

Nice worktop by the way, seems a few of us have much the same thing.

I’d bring it back to the fucker.

Some quarry owner abroad in Spain is dining out on our good taste.

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You don’t want fellow posters making the same mistake…name him.

Hate that.

You can’t go wrong with the Aldi selected option.

Would he be city centre or suburbs

I like the way you made it into a face.

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Not that comfortable running a place down. I’ve got decent meat from there in the past.

I was only joking…don’t get caught out the 2nd time though…

There are quality butchers in town and the suburbs were that wouldn’t happen to you.

All the supermarkets are doing decent premium steaks now. Dunnes are the best I’ve had but they’re all similar enough.
I like a rib eye to have about a lump of fat about the size of a 2 euro coin in the middle. That fat is about the nicest thing you can eat.

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Aldi are doing Venison steaks now apparently over in Roxboro.

Limerick is booming.

Yes.a new range in aldi is a sign of things booming



You are the fat and all? I could never the texture turns me off, must give it a go.

It’s the fat in the centre of a rib eye, it’s like marrow. Poke it with a knife when you’re cooking it at a crazy high heat.


Don’t do it @glasagusban… it’s a trick

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Nothing like a good flambé. Straight from the pantry of course. Some of my finest culinary moments have involved flambé and too much fat. The kids love it though, they love the auld bit of flambé so they do.

Basque lamb stew about to enter the oven for 2 hours. An odd recipe but I have great hopes for it. Bought two (2) boned legs of lamb in the just about to go off section for $20. Marinated in white wine, garlic and rosemary for 3 hours. Sizzled the shit out of it. Onions, garlic, roasted red peppers, paprika, red wine, stock, bay leaves and tomatoes.

I now have 2 hours of drinking ahead of me. I love a good stew.


''Twas ribeye I had myself last night.