Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

They do in their fuck, pure offal over there.


All sausages are disgusting.

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And what the fuck is in a sausage? Fillet?

You’d be delighted with a few Dennys sausages i’d say.

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I wouldn’t ate any sausage unless it was made out the back of my local Butcher shop, incidentally owned and run by a very close and trustworthy friend of mine.
You’d want your head examined ating 58% (fuck me pink) pork sausages out of a supermarket that have been imported from another country.


I like sausages I must say. It is pretty easy to tell a cheap one though from a half decent one. Same with pudding

I had 4 sausages 95% mate, 4 rashers 2 eggs beans tomato and a few chips there tonight with a few cuts of soda bread and butter


Ah here

They look the far better of the two alright. Sausages are honrealable

I regularly get my head examined.

Rudds make a grand sausage.

Lovely bit of roast rib of beef there from Higgins’s. Roast potato, carrots and parsnips, broccoli and gravy. I’m fit to burst here.


Proper sunday tucker there Fagan.


They sure do. I think it’s the large amounts of MSG they add that really ratchets the flavour up good and proper.


All you’re missin is the apple tart and custard

+1 Great for a hangover cure

All that ‘carcinogenic’ talk is just scaremongering by their competitors.

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I’ll have to check all the competitors after a feed of Guinness to know for sure, but what you’re saying would make sense