Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Aye. You can’t bate a bit of E621 after a feed of porter.

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You’re a man after my own heart. I’ll send you down a case of them, PM me your deets.

you horrid cunt


Beef and stout pie. Comfort food on a frigid hoor of an evening.


That looks unreal

Did you put the beef onto a bed of pastry as well?

I did. And I used a craft stout that hasn’t even hit the shelves yet. The smell in the kitchen was unreal all evening.


I loves a good pie, I does.

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Proper order mate. Real men like their food to have a lid on it.

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good English food there, can’t beat a good pie


That’s the best bit of food we’ve seen on this thread since whenever @Tassotti last put up a picture of his eggs.


How long did you have it in the oven for?

Did you make that pastry kid or did you buy it?

Bought it pal. The stew part was put together during lunch, and making pastry would have been a bit of a push. I was pleasantly surprised with how good the pastry was.

@iron_mike, it got 2.5 hrs in oven first, then 45 mins once it went into the pie.

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I’d say twas just the job for a cold cunt of a day like we’re having.

Yup. And finished off with a slab of fruitcake and a mug of tae.

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Outstanding mate, couldn’t get enough likes.

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I got the ones that counted! You know you’ve done something right when there’s no coaxing the kids to eat.


Peasant food

What kind of roots and leaves does the slave throw together for you dinner? put up a picture there, pal.

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Why would i throw a picture of my dinner up?isnt there a couple of threads giving out about 'snowflakes" doing this on facebook?