Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread


Persimmon and Spinach salad.

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Hitting the bed with a empty stomach is the last thing you want.

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Unreal presentation.

Persimmon have begun appearing on Irish supermarket shelves lately, usually advertised as Sharon Fruit. Looks a lot like a tomato, is it worth chancing?

Full English on the way.

cc @Fagan_ODowd @Tassotti


A photo would be nice.

We’ve the same work laptop, bro.

Think I have as well.

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I don’t have a laptop.

[quote=“backinatracksuit, post:2846, topic:22211, full:true”]
Persimmon have begun appearing on Irish supermarket shelves lately, usually advertised as Sharon Fruit. Looks a lot like a tomato, is it worth chancing? [/quote]

Definitely, they are delicious. There are two types, fuyu and hachiya. I’ve only eaten the fuyu (its sweet the other one is bitter), its a squat shape the other one is round. You can eat it like an apple, including the skin, or put it in a salad. I’ve also seen recipes where its put in bread similar to banana bread.


A lump of shite.

You ok hun?

I’ll fuck in smash you.

Shove the sausage up your hole and the rest of it into the bin.

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Wanna come out for a pint?

I’m away on a business trip pal.

Don’t let the cunts get to you pal

Have you a few ‘jobs’ on around East London tonight kid?
Christmas shopping ye?
