Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Why is it all green? Half the plate looks like broccoli.

Green? Wha? - There’s a dark tint to the photo alright, pal…stop being smart. It was taken with a shite camera on a tablet and that explains why lads are all upset and can’t see what’s really going here.

3 week old spuds covered in salad cream, burnt mashed spuds, a slice of McCambridge’s brown bread and all swimming in a tin of beans. It’s like something I would’ve made when I was a pothead back in college.


That never happened

What the fuck is salad cream?



I wish, mate, I wish.

Would you never have a bit of this with a sandwich, bro? Very tasty but unbelievably bad for you.

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I’ve never seen it in my life. Is it mayo?

It’s nearly Breadsaucemas


It’s not quite mayo and it’s not quite piss

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It looks\sounds like something poor people have to make gone off food more edible?

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I don’t even think bread sauce could have made your spud, frozen mince & beans combo more edible mate.

Just let it go, kid. I enjoyed it all immensely.

Brings me back to the 70s and early 80s when you’d be in the house of some of the less well off/unemployed local families and the horrible shit those kids used have put up in front of them at dinner time.

That’s a ten!

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Any after affects today of eating microwaved grub?

I’ve had 4 sandwiches today - some with salami, chorizo and Camembert - two others with spiced beef, potato salad and edam. I had a bowl of muesli for brekkie, and i’ve had two apples and a banana over both breaks today… going for tea now shortly with a yogurt and a banana and i’m thinking chicken pasta when I get home… Oh, I had a chocolate muffin also today.

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See above.