Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

You must be an awful size

It’s early in the month for the spiced beef? I fucking love it. Lovely tack in a sandwich. Did you cook it yourself?

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I’m in the best shape of my life, kid. I’ll be throwing weights around the gym later like rag dolls. I didn’t cook this time, bought pre-cooked… I fucking love it - Never had it till I got down here - I’d ate it all day, so I would.

The Dunnes Stores Christmas book has a recipe for carpaccio of beef, where they tell you to cook a fillet steak for 6 minutes before slicing thinly.

I thought for a carpaccio the meat is raw ?

Seared on the outside, then cooled to the point of stiffness and sliced very thinly. Are you thinking of steak tartare?

No, as far as I know carpaccio is raw slices of meat

I’m surprised the Italians aren’t on here seething. Six minutes cooking and you have a steak, stupid cunts.

Technically, no cooking or even searing for proper carpaccio. Wrap it in foil (plastic not aluminium) and freeze for two hours, then slice and pound it flat. Personally, like @backinatracksuit, I would flash sear it, as E-Coli isn’t a nice Christmas gift to be giving people.


I was lacking focus and clarity of thought today, so I went in for a treat, a double espresso and a triple chocolate fudge cake, it was unreal and reinvigorated me

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I’ll write them a letter asking them to withdraw the booklet

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A picket might be more effective.

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Would you not eat steak tartare no? I wouldn’t personally but iv been with the brother a few times when he has had it and he loves it…I was all out not to puke looking at it tbh


Tartare is potentially a lot more dangerous than Carpaccio. If there’s E-Coli on the surface you have some hope of killing them by freezing, but no hope with ground beef.

I wouldn’t eat Tartare myself, but have eaten Carpaccio and like it. You have to assume a decent restaurant is sourcing good quality properly butchered beef, so the risk is minimal with either really. The problem with making either at home is how do you know the quality of the beef and how it was handled. Should be safe enough from a good butcher.

Do you just eat from dumpsters behind restaurants?


I’ve seen people eating tartare in Paris but I don’t think I could bring myself to eat it. I’ve had carpaccio of beef and duck a few times. Done right it’s savage.


What the fuck is that mate?

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Yeah he had it in a few decent places in NYC. Thought of it enought for me

Pad thai.

Had it a few times . With a raw egg and gherkin and onion chopped and mixed into it.

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Two cod fillets with a nice spice mixture topping and Mexican rice with peas and black beans. Quality.

I had veal tartare in Vienna. It was savage.

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