Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

And since you refused to take part in the Christmas jumper day and are making a show of yourself with the free food on offer, they also think you are a socially maladjusted simpleton.

And have him puke all over the trampoline and ruin it for everyone else after his pigging into the cake?


I didn’t go to a pizza party, pal… Our weekly team meeting was labelled a ‘pizza party’ with Christmas jumpers and secret santa … I can understand why people hate Christmas and humanity at large at this time of year. Thankfully I have a lego set to keep me entertained and away from such idle thoughts — Net spend was 10euro fyi — My gift was a belter.

They promised that he can stay up late if he’s good.

I’ll be in bed with an upset tummy by 6.

You’ll be bouncing around the place with all those fizzy drinks

They didn’t have ‘diet’ cola, pal. I stayed clear, dont want to over do it before Christmas.

Think it? They fucking know it.

Don’t lie, you got a coke an fucked a lump of vanilla ice cream in on top of it.

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Unlike young @Glasagusban, I’ve never been worried about what anyone thinks of me. I proved that when I put the crusts of my pizza back into the box others were still eating from.


Spiced beef a go


Unreal. Unbelievable.

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that looks fucking disgusting


It’s not a beauty parade pal

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Spiced beef is outrageous. Unbelievable. It’s off the hook. Fuck your turkey, fuck your ham…Spiced beef is where it’s at.

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Spiced beef is about as nice as that other shit they eat in Cork, Tripe and drisheen of whatever the fuck it is all called, you wouldn’t give it to a dog


Looks like a big mug of tea


with a lump of stale brown bread dropped into it


Just threw on an experimental effort there. Camembert baked inside a sourdough loaf (hollowed out) with pesto and prosciutto wrapped around the cheese.

Bit of black pudding topping…