Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

your screen led acidic bloated lifestyle is having a negative affect on you, you need to give up ending dead animals, the bad karma is seeping from you

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Genuinely happy to have you back. It had gotten fairly boring, logged in a while ago after a few hours to 22 threads after updating.
I’ve gone mental for guacamole myself but my screen time is practically zero outside of this place.

avocado is a super food

Avocado is so 2016

Raw cacao nibs and Charcoal products is where it’s at now.

It does seem a bit old hat for one of the INTERNET’s most on the pulse Fadsters. I would have thought purple bread or something a bit more recent would be on the menu.
A home made Guacamole can be outstanding though.

I am combining pesco-vegetarianism with the 16:8 diet and bullet proof coffee, although I don’t like labels, I have never been as fit or felt so good, I am in a constant good mood, I only see solution and positivity , there is no need to slavishly adhere or follow fads, do what feels right and what works for you, free yourself lads,

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Where you at mate, after the feed of beer I had last night that looks great, the eggs :ok_hand:

The fucking eggs on that :heart_eyes:

The marker hotel. Pretty quality all round I have to say.




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You carmelised that meat unreal & the spuds have a lovely colour too.

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What’s the black thing on the left?

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a pint of cold milk would be unreal with that

A chicken vindaloo on the go here. Started with four bone in chicken thighs. Made a homemade chicken stock with the bones and a shit beer that some dickhead brought for super bowl. Starting to smell divine.