Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

You had a very fortunate escape in Limerick over the holidays. I had a can primed for action but unfortunately got sidetracked on that fateful night.

Was that yer fiendish plan for TFK? Stick a can of bud up @Rocko’s arse :scream:

No pal, that was my wedding night surprise for you.


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Is that a new worktop, mate?

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Welcome back @Tassotti mate.

Is that the heart of an internet foe?


It fresh beetroot

Lovely presentation

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No it isn’t.

It’s fresh from a jar.

I grew it myself


my voyage of self discovery through pesco-vegetarianism and the rejection of a screen led acidic bloated lifestyle has brought to here, what I like to call the avocado hour, its fast becoming a little tradition of mine, I set aside a time slot every day to consume avocado, today I have made a few toasted tortilla wraps packed with toasted peppers, mushrooms and guacamole, the benefits are unreal, clarity of thought, heightened sense of perception and improved sexual performance


great to hear about the benefits of the new lifestyle although its disappointing that you are saying you wont be on TFK much anymore

The tramps up around Kings Cross will be thrilled with the improvement in your sexual performance, a game changer indeed.

Very miserable, mean spirited post there.



I am genuinely sorry that you had to read it, I should’ve considered that before hitting reply.

Don’t apologize to any bastards on here.

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Unbecoming of a top top poster all right.

An infraction is in order I feel.