Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

While we are waiting for @TreatyStones to regain consciousness, other than the obvious spices, the difference between a stew and a curry is the fluidity or viscosity of the liquid. A stew should be so watery you could literally drink it. A curry has sauce like consistency.

Some amount of culinary amateurs on this site.

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Go on

Balls, the one week I don’t get it too, I thought Ross OCK was all I’d miss, any link or pic?
I have slightly less than a kilo so it’ll have to be a soup really.


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That soup looks good, I’ll chance that recipe as I’ve nowhere near enough for the second one and won’t get more on Sunday, real oxtail soup is a treat.

@anon7035031 buddy. What way should tinfoil be used ? Shiny side up ?
Does it vary or what’s the story. I know on match days I like to have shiny side outwards, makes them look nicer.

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Cheers Fagan_ODowd, made exactly to the recipe, fresh beef Stock and i splashed out on a nice sherry vinegar as I hadn’t any, ready to go into the oven for three hours, this is going to be unbelievable but may be tomorrow before it gets around to being eaten, will be freezing a fair bit for work lunches I’d say.


Lovely chunky guacamole @Tassotti

Avocado, coriander, tomato, red onion, green chili, lime juice
Couldn’t be easier


And the cover is finally blown. It has long since been suspected that yourself and @myboyblue are the same poster, but here is the proof. No self-respecting Tipp man would need to even contemplate asking a question about the use of tinfoil.

That looks tremendous pal :clap: :clap: :clap:

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It depends on the weather pal. The shiny side reflects heat better, so on cold days wear it shiny side in and on hot days shiny side out. You do run the risk on cold days of the shiny side sticking to your hair product though.
You’re welcome.


Us Tipp men have many different styles of tinfoil, Laois inbredslike @myboyblue wouldn’t understand such intricacies


Soup is cooked, need to strip the meat and blitz the broth but first it’ll have to cool down to skim off the fat.
The smell off this is outrageously good, smoked paprika seems to be strong.




@Rocko can we have a suspension for @myboyblue please?

Absolutely, ban the prick.

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Unreal presentation