Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

I don’t claim I’m gonna cure cancer tho.

You were picking on me earlier because I said I didn’t have a mental illness. Now your laying into me again because I’m looking to keep my family healthy through good nutrition?

[quote=“ironmoth, post:375, topic:22211, full:true”].

Cancer is without a doubt linked to poor diet (and by “linked”, I mean almost directly attributable to). Refined sugars are murder. It is this, and other similar notions, that have literally made me a pariah among my friends :crying_cat_face:

If cancer patients worked on controlling their intake of glucose, it would slow the growth of cancer and then their immune systems and whatever route their doctor wants to drive them down could better tackle the disease. Instead, they’re sent straight to surgery / chemo / radiation, and given sugary drinks / complan-type shit to “help” them recover. It’s fucking depraved.

Yeah, bang on. I’m fucking seething at my consultant for being so naive to take out my tumour last year. A little less cola and it would have gone away itself in time.


ignore that dirty tramp, you’d be better off sticking with our group, we have similar values and belief systems

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I can see now that “poor” was a poor choice of words.

You’re clearly getting too much estrogen in your diet…

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Obviously it’s not as simple as that but a lot of cancer is caused by diet.

:laughing: Touché

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Don’t, please.

do you think so?

You don’t think food has any influence on cancer? Then you are an absolute idiot.

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100 percent. Food is your bodies fuel.

Where did I say that??? The cancer argument went on for weeks here before.

Well anybody that that thinks it is incredibly ill informed.

Fuck sake as if you’d put a bottle of wine in a stew. :smile:


There is far more vitamin C (and most other nutrients actually) in a regular white potato.

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That was savage

Yeah but a regular spud won’t get you 10 likes, pal…


Very true pal, but strangely enough in an Irish household, we rarely have white spuds. :eek: