Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Not a chance, I’d be pilloried if I tried to get a camogie player through, and she was at work (Crescent shopping centre)

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Ah I know. I was wondering if you’d cop that it’d be dismissed because she was at work.

You could make an exception along the lines of camogie (or college?) being her real job and the sock selling only secondary in order to accommodate her. It’s the kind of call a real ballsy adjudicator would make.

@backinatracksuit, did you take any surreptitious photos so you could at least bump the homegrown talent/lovely ladies thread? I really feel you’re not getting as much mileage as you could out of this meeting with the lovely Aisling.

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What kind of fucking pervert are you?


He’s one with impeccable taste, that’s what kind he is. :ok_hand:

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Not along ago he was posting about how he was nearly jacking off in Stephens Green. Now he wants lads to take pics of women working and post them up here. You get the feeling he’s mistaken this site for something else.

Aisling would break you in half if she caught you taking a sneaky snap I’d say

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@mac, those are both distortions of the truth. Stop playing so fast and loose with the facts in order to get cheap likes.

I don’t care what he does or doesn’t do.
Just put up the picture of our Aishling.

What’s distorted about the above?

@ChocolateMice is one of my favourite posters on here.

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I always find myself nodding in agreement with everything he posts. Even when he calls me a cunt.


Aisling wears no make up to work which is unusual as she usually goes onto Croke Park with the works done, seems a lovely girl, was a bit embarrassed when I mentioned to my daughter that she was a great hurler, quite an ordinary looking girl though, very heavily freckled. Nice tattoos.
Ready for the oven now

  1. It was a simple question, I did not encourage him to a certain course of action one way or the other.
  2. We were discussing Aisling, not various random women at work.
  3. It was clearly tongue in cheek. The kind of lighthearted interaction to be taken in jest that you wouldn’t get because of your poorly developed social skills.

Aisling did mention that she’s a sports massage therapist but didn’t work at that during the season while she was in training herself, it seemed an unusual thing to say as if she was a little embarrassed to be working in a sports shop.

Done, about three litres here, how long will it hold in an airtight container?

It’s unlikely to last a fortnight if it’s as tasty as it looks :thumbsup:

Thanks fella, there’s a beautiful smell in the house, the vanilla is quite overpowering.
I had loads of the ingredients at home so I picked up some walnuts and macadamias as well as dried blueberries and cranberries, next time around I wont need to buy a single thing except the oats.
Natural yogurt would be the best thing to go with it?

Lidl have an excellent Greek yogurt from their Eridanous brand, although I’ve only seen it terenure and not in limerick and it’s not always in stock. Very high in protein and low enough in sugars and very thick and creamy, and comes in 1 kilo tubs. It’s great tack.


You’re welcome dude. Enjoy!

I’d often use milk if there’s no yoghurt. Up to you.