Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Looks great. Did it crumble up fine from the tray bake

Never an issue, it didn’t stick together at all, I thought it might myself,
I have a cottage pie to do now to use up the roast beef from Sunday.

He must have been washing the pans in there because the food is decidedly average.


I never knew Aisling Thompson works in lifestyle sports in the crescent. That’s something new I’ve learned today. She’s a fine bit of stuff.

Great effort with the granola, I’ve been meaning to make a new batch myself soon. It is simply unreal. I generally don’t put any dried fruit in any more but rather fresh fruit on a bowl to bowl basis. Though I’m a sucker for those dried banana pieces you can get and they go savage well in the granola.

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I haven’t been in years but I thought it was lovely myself, and it’s easily the best coffee I’ve had in Limerick.

The grub in there isn’t great at all but that veggie curry he does is excellent, he also does very good Badger and Dodo coffee. He most certainly did work as a chef in the Fat Duck though.

Are they not laced with sugar? Always assumed they were but maybe I’m wrong.

They certainly taste as if they are, they are incredibly sweet. I get this packet from Holland and Barrett in the crescent, so you’d imagine the idea is they’re meant to be good or fine for you.

two lovely pork chops there, cooked in the oven untill the rind had gone crispy

I’d say you’d be as well throw half a bag of sugar over your granola mate. Or else just chop up fresh banana and add it.

It’s ASHLING Thompson, chaps.


Just after the tea here. Savage bit of fish. 'Twas like the set of Jaws here it was so big.


You seem to eat very late

@Smark and @backinatracksuit - stand-by for a new and as-yet untried granola. Some very interesting mixes gone into this one, so i’ll hold off on posting a recipe until I sample it first. The smell here is unreal, so early signs are very positive.


I do indeed. I’ve been out walking the dog and I work up an appetite that way.

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thats lovely bit of fish, did you have a few spuds with it?

Chips and tartare sauce.

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Chipper chips?

Is that hake?
What’s the seasoning giving it the reddish tint?

They’ll kill you.

I’ve a handy ‘recipe’ for healthy, eat as much as you want, chips if the board wanted it.

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