Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

I had two slices of toast when I got up, then a fry at 10:30. I’d a scone at 1:30, burger & chips at 3:30, a packet of chewy fruits, and now just had 8 chicken goujans. That’s desperate bad ating. I’m disgusted and still hungry.


Couldn’t do that on a Sunday. Has to be a roast dinner.

Burger and chips on a Sunday afternoon is a funny one. Were you on the sauce last night

No, I had two cans of Guinness last night. The burger and chips was a make shift meal, were visiting the in-laws and ended up having to leave earlier than planned so we threw them on.

I just had a Sunday evening fry. A fry on Sunday evening is very unusual for me. I had one and a half toasted sausage and rasher sandwiches on brown bread with butter and red sauce. I also had two loose sausages and a fried egg and two mugs of tea. I had a cookie then. I’m going to do some chores now but I’ll delve into a 5-pack of Cadbury’s Creme Eggs, 2 packets of Mighty Munch and an Iceberger during League Sunday at 9.30pm.


Just had burger and chips and a can of diet pop. Gut health put on hold for a few hours.

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Good ating.

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This place has gone to wrack and ruin lately.

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Was that six slices of bread?
Fair play,

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I actually just had a chicken kebab there with garluc sauce which was in a big pitta bread along with a chip.
Had a good skelp of whiskey last night so didnt ate anythi ng rhi s morning till 11 when I had 4 rashers 2 fried eggs and 2 cuts of bread.

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Just the three. I’m never quite sure if that’s three or one and a half sandwiches.

Red sauce ffs :roll_eyes:

Shame on you!!

Thats serious ating

Jesus i assumed it was soda bread. Man vs food job if it was sliced pan. The thought of the slice pan expanding now :nauseated_face:

5 creme eggs is sickening. No wonder you can’t get around 5k in 25 minutes.

FFS, that’s one and a half


Hulk Hogan wouldn’t eat that. What do you weigh?

One slice of bread (folded) isn’t a sandwich?


No it is half a sandwich. As a side note I hate nothing more than a folded slice of bread(I probably do) . Cut the bread ffs. Folding causes stodgyness