Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Tried a homemade pizza:

Do you have a better photo? I’m worried you’re trying to pull a fast one and cropped a Domino’s box out of the image. Looks tasty anyways, so it does.

What ham did you use?

A shop-bought base, sauce and pre-grated cheese, by the looks of it… But, this is the Ravenous thread and not the Gourmet Chef thread.

It’s a start pal, and is a definite step up from frozen pizza or take out, so fair play :clap:

@Tassotti has a Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall book for sale - some nice pizza recipes in it, including a very simple base recipe. Might be worth PM’ing him an offer?

It’s a poor start tbh but it was nice. I tried making a base ages ago but it was a disaster.

It can be tricky alright. Trial and error pal - you’ll eventually nail it. And when you do, make a big batch and blind-bake a few…they freeze well.

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One of my favourite pizzas uses a home-made base, olive oil, slivers of garlic, blanched broccoli and some fresh mozzarella. No sauce. Should have been shite, but it was unreal. From a Darina Allen book I think.

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She wouldnt bake spuds for ducks that auld hoor.

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Wahey! :smile:

I remember when Simply Delicious was on RTE. The auld lad used to get a laugh out of us taking off her uppity accent. Come to think of it, I remember that she’d nearly always pour sauce out of a pot down over the handles. She was some mule all the same, making work for herself with washing up.

Try this fella, it’s the best I’ve had and it’s simple and light, I’ve been using it for years (nearly 4 :smiley:) and wouldn’t use anything else now. Hope this can be read, don’t try to fit too much on the pizza, keep it simple.

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Have a batch of my life affirming, super low cal, chips (semi cooked in stock) on the go here… bit of baked cod to go with - seasoned with lemon, oil, salt, peeper, thyme, garlic, paprika – and roast veg on thew side - aubergine, peppers, mushrooms, courgette - season with drizzle of oil, salt, pepper.

That sounds unbelievable mate, fucking unbelievable, :sweat:

We had scrambled eggs with sausages and fried tomato and batch toast :smiley:

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Unreal bit of grub here

organic, line caught tuna is unreal


Slow cooker pork loin, chorizo and pinto bean stew with rakes of tomatoes and wine.


I’m heading down to Axminster to see hugh at the river cottage spring food fair this weekend. Could be epic. Ill report back.

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My first foray into this fine thread.

Got all the weeks work finished this morning so decided I’d make myself a nice lunch. Made some South American style empaňadas. Some puff pastry rolled and cut into circles. Half a kilo of beef mince (organic obviously), red onion, 3 peppers, 2 hard boiled eggs, pitted olives, small few raisins. And a touch of a chili pepper sauce, some herbs, a pepper steak herb mix, salt, pepper and cumin. A slightly beaten egg then brushed over the top of the empaňada before it goes into the oven. A bit of mixed lettuce, peppers, onions and tomatoes with a honey and mustard dressing. Great tack. Made 15 of them, so will feed the rest of the family when they get home too.

Drinking an aul bottle of O haras now (hoppy) and watching a 30 for 30 on Pete Carrolls USC. Great start to the weekend.



Well done, pal.

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That’s a lovely plate of food

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Is that a Cornish Pasty ?

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