Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Looks delicious. I love when people do their greens al dente like that.enjoy

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That’s a savage plate of food. You can tell you are a man who looks after himself. The roasters are seething cause the broccoli isn’t swimming in a sea of curry sauce and aromat.


The chicken without the breadcrumbs had thrown them.
The chicken is done to perfection, as is the broccoli. The eggs are hard to judge but based on how he treated the other two ingredients I’d trust he has given them the respect they deserve.

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I wouldn’t normally ate that sort of plate of stuff but I’d a big game of squash tonight that went on 2hrs so I needed to get the protein into me. And it worked. That’s as healthy as you’d get that plate of stuff and do you know what but it was very nice as well.


its actually unreal what you produced there

You were never told about the perils of carrying a pizza box on it’s side?

Christ I’d mangle that fucker :yum:

I’m done. Good night EYERINNE


What did you use the fork for??

Destroyed box of wedges just out of shot.

FAO of @TreatyStones and other BBQ aficionados,
I need to get a new BBQ asap, will likely call into Woodies tomorrow after work, the missus has some groundwork done and is thinking of a kettle style charcoal yoke. She’s shown me a Weber 57cm in a brochure, is it worth paying the few bob extra for weber or what’s the deal,
I’ve never had a charcoal before so may be pestering for advice in the coming weeks.

Charcoal is for people who bbq on the odd occasion. Back home nobody goes charcoal


Probably easier if she goes & buys it herself. You’ll bore the fucking hole off some poor cunt working in Woodies.


Hey, lay off my pal, pal.


Thought you were from NoCoDu?

No.im a queenslander living in Fingal

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As TSG says, if you are going to use it regularly, dont go charcoal. I’ve a weber gas BBQ set up and pretty much use it all year round.


Queensland. How apt for a soup taking quisling cowardly traitor. The slurpy giant.

