Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread


Queensland is more free than oireland

Rethink may be required, herself has a bee in her bonnet about the charcoal.
What about the second part of my query, is it worth the extra few bob to go Weber?

All I can say is I’m happy with my one anyway. Have it a good 5 or 6 years now I reckon. We were thinking of getting a new one but there was no need, it is still in perfect working order, very efficient in its gas use, and easy to clean. It has an oven type function on it so its great for steaks and the like, real high heat, bbq them, turn and then pull down the lid and oven cook them for a few more minutes.


What’s her issue with the charcoal?
I’ve never had a Webber so I can’t advise that way. I only got into the Charcoal scene last year and have two fairly cheap bbq’s. Both do the job fine but could see how a webber might be better designed.

Ffs gas BBQ is just basically using your kitchen grill outside. May as well plug in a George foreman with an extension lead ffs.


What kind of lazy cunt uses gas?
Oak or Mesquite is the only way to do proper BBQ, anything else is amateurish.
Charcoal is ok if you are flipping burgers.

I live in Australia. We barbecue stuff all the time in Australia. Everyone does. All the time. I don’t know a single person who has a charcoal BBQ. The odd fella with a wood fired oven for pizzas (I’ll be building my own soon).
Charcoal BBQ - Hey we should do a BBQ tonight. Cue hours of preparation, marinading, taking photos to load onto internet forum threads to show how sophisticated we are (some of us have been to South America). Oh yeah, better turn BBQ on. Oh shite, it’s full of ash from the last time and shiter still, I don’t have any charcoal left. Into car, go and buy tiny pickle bag of charcoal, again. Spend ages figuring out how to light charcoal (should I use the firelighters Katie?). Spend an hour waiting for charcoal to burn, spend the rest of the evening with a poker trying to distribute coals evenly. Half cook beautifully marinaded meat. What a fucking production.
Here, I go to the back door, flip on the BBQ (always have a spare gas bottle in case), can control heat distribution at all times, finish up, quick clean and we’re ready again. Have had the same 4 burner BBQ for 12 years, still does everything beautifully and easy to maintain.
Charcoal BBQ’s are for lads who think they know something, but don’t. Gas BBQ’s are for people who actually want to cook stuff and then enjoy it, instead of telling people how fucking knowledgeable they are and leaving their partner to clean up after themselves.
Charcoal me hole.


You’re not Barbecueing mate, you’re grilling, a totally different beast. BBQ by nature takes hours. Any two bit gobshite can grill.


No, you’re making it take hours by pretending you know something, while the rest of us are drinking a glass of wine having consumed the perfectly cooked steak outdoors. You’re still fumbling around trying to light the fucking things.

No mate, you are grilling. BBQ takes hours. You don’t turn on the gas and cook a brisket in minutes, it takes hours to slow cook. You need to bone up on the difference between the two. That you antipodeans don’t use the proper terminology is hardly surprising.

Oh ffs, you can do a brisket, a roast, a turkey, whatever on a gas bbq and you’ll get a more even and consistent distribution of heat, without having to poke it with something, relight it, fuck around pretending you know something every two minutes. You’re watching too many American reality shows mate.

No mate, I’ve had the pleasure of consuming some of the finest BBQ ever cooked and none of it was cooked on a gas grill. It was slow cooked over oak or mesquite and wasn’t fucked with every two minutes because the lads cooking it know what the fuck the are doing and how to do it right. And they certainly weren’t washing it down with wine. Go buy a clue. What you are doing is grilling, on a fucking grill, which as @Rintintin pointed out could just as easily be accomplished indoors. It’s not BBQ, which is an entirely different beast and method of cooking that requires a very different skill set and set up.


People that bbq regularly


You’ve never Barbecued in your life mate. Few have, as most don’t have the time, the set up and the expertise. You may have grilled the odd time or two.
Grilling - cooking over high direct heat for short durations.
BBQ - cooking over low indirect heat for hours.

I use to have a webber charcoal.a pain.nice roasts though

She’s the one who’s pushing for charcoal, personally I love cooking but only barbeque for the experience and the kids. A grill would do me fine and I like the convenience of turning it on and cooking a steak 5 minutes later, I have a fine oven for slow cooking and all that jazz,
I’m not sure what to think now, food for thought here anyway.

That’s grilling.

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A few people making holy shows of themselves here. No surprise its ditzy.

Some a lads on here don’t seem to know the difference between BBQing and Grilling. That appears to be the issue.

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