Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

fry them in coconut oil, you’d get a lovely crisp off them

Fair enough pal, I thought you were asking a question.
Cheap cuts like cheeks or shin take no small degree of skill to transform into a restaurant standard dish, any ape can make a stew but is somebody going to be happy to pay 20euro for it more than once.
The reason it’s not in the shop (in my own butcher anyway) is that the cattle only have two cheeks each and restaurants take them most of the time, that’s not really comparable with many other cuts.
Ox tongue is a beautiful piece of meat, a real luxury when prepared properly, I’ve never tasted better than my grandmothers, she cooked it once a week till she died, made an unbelievable sandwich when cooled.

For anybody interested in the charcoal v gas debate the other day I’ve gone for this bad boy for a finish, putting it together now and hope to cook on it tomorrow but have one of the kids birthday parties first.

Do you plant a bit of veg there on the right?

Might do now, I just cleared it over a couple of evenings earlier in the week, it was overgrown with something or other and was pissing me off, something will have to be planted there I’d say but I’ll let herself decide.



I tend to agree, the missus was mad for the coals, she has a lot more patience than me but I do most of the cooking when I’m home, I’m looking forward to having a go but I’m a bit sceptical.

You should plant a bit of loose stone, pal. Great stuff altogether, requires fuck all attention or upkeep.

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You are such a good father. I can sense it in your posts.

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Thanks mate, I’d say you’re a shitty father, and husband, and human being in general.


Who grouted those stones?


I could see that question coming. I’d say it was his kids in their ’ make and do’ mode.
Looks like they used porridge or play dough to grout them.


A mate of mine is a tiler, it wasn’t his usual type of job but we did it together, that was about 5 years ago, I think the grout is holding up very well, as far as I remember it was a sand and cement mixture with some type of admixture to give it a bit of flexibility, he seemed to know what he was doing, still looks well.

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no seriously, you are always on about them. It’s nice. I’d say you are a great father.

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Jesus Christ. Imagine what mick Wallace would make of that paving. Dog rough.

Lovely bit of salmon tonight… spray of fry-light, lemon zest, parsley, oregano, tarragon, sea salt, pepper, spring onion and a squeeze of lemon juice and off into the oven in foil. Also had some roasted veg - courgette, asparagus, cherry tomato - and some of my now world famous low calorie oven chips.

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that looks splendid except for the mushroom, something not quite right looking about it

Yeah - you’ll notice it didn’t get a mention… there were two big-uns left in the fridge so I chucked them on but they haven’t been decorated with military honours with the rest of the plate.

Is that a fold up chair

Them cobbles are wild rough lookin lad,looks like a tiler put them down alright,you should root em up and put down a bit of stamped concrete if your goin for that look,charcoal is the only job for a proper BBQ