Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Getting back on topic from fitzy’s prostrate massages, a nice slab of chateaubriand about to be seared and roasted on the grill.


So far so good.


Finished product. Served with garlic and lime butter and a mushroom and wine sauce.


Tinfoil, tinfoil everywhere. You’re a glutton for punishment.

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steak 6/10
that shit below the steak 0/10


It’s terrible to see tinfoil ‘wasted’ on something other than ham sandwiches :joy:

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Very nice, looks a lot smaller in the last photo but it most be the angle. I don’t normally like the white asparagus but I’m sure it was splendid. Pity you didn’t provide a picture of the carved meat.

That steak looked v nice… [quote=“labane1917, post:1803, topic:22211, full:true”]

Finished product. Served with garlic and lime butter and a mushroom and wine sauce.

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It’s was devoured too quickly to take a pic :smiley:

Yeah, it’s the shit pic. It was 3 lb, and started out 3 inches thick and ended up about 3.5. The thicker half was very rare, the thinner side rare. White asparagus is a bit bland, but good with the garlic lime butter (isn’t everything).

Strangely enough those eating it voted it 9.5 and 7.5 (the veggies were a bit on the mushy side alright due to neglect, but tasted good), and they would know a bit more about food than a plonker like you.

[quote=“anon7035031, post:1810, topic:22211, full:true”] a plonker like you.

No need to be so nasty.

No need to be so nasty.

That’s a term of endearment around here.

Some hicks from the states.i doubt that

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All the hicks I know live in Ireland pal.

More importantly, what did you drink with it?

A Petite Sirah from a local producer. I think they call it Durif down under, not as big as your typical Shiraz but still good tack and doesn’t overpower the food.


Some of the biggest hicks I’ve ever come across lived in places like The Naul, Garristown, Oldtown, Ballyboughal, etc. Salt of the earth, but most definitely hicks. Seems like an oddball move for TSG to be accusing you of having hicks over for dinner, when he is literally surrounded by muldoons in Fingal.

In what way would they be hicks, baling twine for belts?

And btw, who the fuck uses “hicks” to describe Irish people?

They exhibited rural mannerisms and habits, such as using their tractors for general travel to and from town, eating dinner at 1 o’clock in the afternoon, smelling of cow-shit, etc. There’s a tendency to assume that Fingal is made up of refined urbanites. I’m simply pointing out that it’s not. I’m not taking a pot-shot at the hicks. I’m simply taking a pot-shot at TSG.

As for using the word hick, you obviously knew what I was talking about because you referenced the baling twine. Do you have an issue with people using the word ‘muldoon’ as well?, because that’s also N.American slang.

Only because it was used earlier in the thread. But I’ve never heard an Irish person referred to as a hick prior to the best of my knowledge.

Muldoon has a long history on this forum.