Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Surprised to be honest, I thought 40 minutes for 600g should have put it slightly below medium. Bit of a fuck up but it was still a really nice piece of meat and not as overdone as it might have looked.

What is @feck_it getting at about my kitchen drawers?

Your a bit old for roasties no.


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Post reported.

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So true


Thanks. Roasties are for kids.

your dreeeeeeeaming mate…

I’ve just eaten a packet of buttons. Fuck you all.

you can get “buttons” in Lidl; they are sensational. Twice the size of normal buttons. Fucking lovely.

Am all over that, they’re unreal. Better in fact that the cadbury ones.

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they are better because they are bigger for starters, and twice as many in the pack!

okey dokeys from aldi are a fantastic up your bollox brand rip off

Any of ye ever been in bed and get an unreal hankering for something? I was in bed there now (it’s 1.15am) and I couldn’t sleep thinking about a nice thick spread of jam on a scone. I’m heading away over the weekend and will be staying in an airbnb job and the woman of the house apparently lashes out a plate of freshly made scones with homemade jam on arrival. I’ve been salivating at the thought of it the last hour and couldn’t sleep so I just went out to the kitchen and spread jam on a very large shop bought scone and I wolfed that bad boy down. I should be able to sleep now.


I’m coming down with a head cold at the minute, so I hit the hay at 10pm last night with a hot toddy. I pushed the whiskey to one side and went to a bottle at the back of the cupboard with the label peeled off - poitin, and Connemara’s finest at that. I didnt spare it either, and went the full hog with a clove-studded slice of lemon. I was comatose by about 10:20.

I woke up at 5:15, and I haven’t stopped eating since. I’ve eaten 2 bowls of muesli, 3 slices of sourdough toast, a banana, an apple, and 2 mugs of tae. I’m still hungry. I’d really fancy a big fruit scone now. Warm out of the oven, with butter, jam and a dollop of freshly whipped cream, but only because you’ve put the idea in my head.

I don’t think I’ve ever stayed awake, or woken during the night, with a very specific craving like you had. I’ve woken and thought “I’m starving. I wonder what do we have to eat downstairs.”

I can’t remember ever lying awake in bed thinking “I’m starving. I’d love a fried egg sandwich”, for example.

The only other person I know that this happened to was Mrs. Moth. She was pregnant at the time, and I used to get unusual (but very specific) food requests at odd hours. The kitchen was always ‘on duty’ for those few months.


I often have an unreal hankering for something while in bed, but not necessarily food related.


It could be prostate-related Fitzy. If you drink less water before bed, does the urge go away. Anyway, it’s all part of getting older I suppose.


Given how hard the general stands to during these hankerings, I don’t think oul prostrate is an issue pal.
