

Yes it’s across from Abrakebabra…

I’m safe enough so

Had a fine dinner there a while ago Turfcutter, you’d have appreciated it. Bacon and cabbage with new potatoes. The cabbage was freshly picked from the garden this morning. There was butter and salt for the spuds and colmans mustard for the bacon. It was something else. I would say it’s my favourite dinner…

Had a bowl of jelly and ice cream there earlier for the first time in a long time…pure palatial

Sounds good. I have gone stone mad lately for chocolate sundaes…

Tis hard to bate the national dish dunph, was it ready made mustard or the powered stuff, more of kick off the powered stuff IMO

Omlett and new spuds today

A toasted bacon sandwich smeared in HP brown sauce ten minutes ago.

I have never heard of anyone having an omlette with spuds turfcutter…

Twas rush job dunph, I had a lad in diggin a hole today so I got a few eggs straight from the hens hole this morning an onion, a pepper and a few spuds everyone happy

I’m very partial to a rasher sandwich

Wexford strawberries and cream earlier this evening. Splendid.

Dunph will not like this, but I have uncovered a wonderful new make of crisps:


I’m disappointed in you, Runt.

That’s not very boggery of you, you tan cunt.

I don’t know, are they nice, tis hard to bate the hunky dorys, do they make a hang sangachwich flavour

Not long after a kebab from Turkaz, savage job.

First time in a long time having packet of rolos. Not bad.
They are a bit soft with the heat though, I reckon an hour in the fridge would do wonders for them.

Got some new spuds on the side of the road on the way back from Wexford today. Put them straight on when I got in the door. Not too bad. A little bit soapy

are they much dearer than Tayto’s??

a Ham and Mushroom Pizza will be getting the good news in a while :clap: