
2 lovely kippers for lunch

Just after ordering a Hawiain pizza from Popa Johns

Are you going out tonight Puke? Or are you going to wallow in self pity?

I might head out, am undecided yet

Steak going on now in about a half an hour :licklips:

I’m poisoned from drink, I’ll have to order a delivery of some sort as I’m good for nothing at the minute.

Think I may have to curtail tonight as I’m coming down with a flu.

A large meatfest pizza from Fat Freddies on the way whatever it’ll be like, I’m starved.

Don’t do exercise, pal.

Very partial to a Hawaiin pizza myself. :clap:

Had a chicken breast which I marinated in some barbeque sauce and boiled up some Charlotte potatoes which which I then chopped up and threw into a red hot pan for a couple of minutes with some fried onion and a small drop of heinz steak sauce, salt, pepper & parsley.

I smashed the big glass thing i cooked my salmon in earlier. I took it out of the oven when it was red hot and placed it on top of the counter which was covered in warm water which had overflowed from the steamer my spuds were in. The glass container smashed into a load of pieces and miraculously the salmon survived. :clap:

Did it jump out?

Is that some weird knock off of Papa Johns?

Had a wonderful beef and mushroom in black bean sauce with extra rice in Welcome City Chinese take away in Dorset Street the other night. Wonderfully filling after a feed of pints. Asked for a bottle of Coca-Cola to wash it down expecting a 500ml size and they produced a 1.5 litre. Excellent value for a tenner all in.

No it was kind of stuck to the glass thing as i hadn’t much oil in so was poxed lucky. There were a couple of big pieces left after it smashed and the salmon was on one of them. How could it have happened? I’m guessing it’s something to do with extremely warm glass reacting negatively to being surrounded by very warm water.

Eating a box of celebrations here that i bought for €2. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Threw on a lovely big pot of madras curry there. Instead of rice I chopped up a few spuds and threw them in with the chicken and sauce. I have a touch of a cold after over doing the drinking at the weekend so lashed in the chillies and tabasco sauce to give it more of a kick. A great feed.

The water was probably cool dunph, it’s the very hot to cold that shatters stuff like that.

This is a story to rival Fionn McCumhaill and his salmon :clap:

Kudos on the good value celebrations too.

Made some mini-pizzas using brown sliced pan earlier.

Lightly toast the slices of bread, then mix up some salsa sauce and some ordinary pasta sauce and spread onto the slices. Add toppings of your choice with a bit of grated cheese on top of each slice to hold them together, then grill for about five minutes and voila.

Yeah the water probably was cool now that you say it. :strokechin: