
Have you the George Formby grill to cook them on.

I don’t own one and don’t plan on every buying one. I will brown them in a dry pan for a few minutes before finishing them off in the oven I think. Don’t know what I will have with them though, will probably go for some rice with some form of a sweet sauce to compliment the duck

A black cherry sauce would be the job Chewy b

[quote=“glasagusban, post: 758049, member: 1533”]Or cooking up a few chicken boobs. In a pinch it will do to cook up some veg to throw into pasta. Not steak though boss.

For a steak marinade try balsamic, Dijon, olive oil, garlic, and a bit of rosemary and bay leaf -very very good.[/quote]
As stated earlier mate I can take or leave steak most of the time so I don’t really care how it’s cooked. I’d often throw a chicken breast on the Foreman as well.

I hate and I mean hate bay leaf-it is the only thing I can taste if it is in food.

Touch hungover. Frittata with potato, onion, garlic, lots of chilli, rashers, black pudding, cheddar, buffalo mozzarella, and tomatoes washed doen with plenty of coffee should fix that.

Popped into the market earlier. Had a mixed selection of the hot curry from the Indian stand and a hotdog which consisted of two south African pork and beef sausages. Mulled around for a bit afterwards with a coffee picking at samples from various stands and finished it off with two apples.

2 large cumberland sausages, browned in the pan and roasted in the oven for 10 minutes with some onion, cayenne pepper and basil, 3 grilled rashers and 2 poached eggs with some ketchup and reggae reggae sauce. A lovely spot of lunch

I made a fantastic indian curry yesterday with some lamb shanks in the slow cooker. I’m getting started on the leftovers now. Savage.

Chicken fajita, home made guacamole, tomato salsa, sour cream and chive. Topped off with green jalapeño, habanero Tabasco and chipotle sauce. I’ll regret it in the morning, but I have a lovely tingling feeling now from all the spice.

I’d be interested in the recipe for this

Where would you pick up one of these Juhniallio? Also, price range? I have been fleeced in a recent transaction so I don’t want to pay over the odds here.

I got mine from santa. I know they were in tesco for 20-25€ but you should be able to pick one up in any power city, did or any good rlectrical store.

I’ll get my recipe up in a bit runt.

The Runt any decent vegetarian recipe you have used suitable for a dinner party.

Vegetarians are scum mate.

Give her (I hope it’s a her) a cabbage and tell her chew on that for the night.

Ya its her pal. As you may have guessed I have never cooked vegetarian before, but she is a belter and I would like to impress.

whats this… she wont EAT MEAT?

Does she eat sea food/fish?

No animal flesh . . .

Apparently not

Here’s a legendary shout in the impressing a bird stakes. Posted it before. I know it’s a salad but with the lentils and cheese it can be quite filling and if she’s veggie she’ll get off on it big time.


If doing it as a main course bulk it up with barely cooked broccolli, rocket, and some form of goats cheese. She’ll actually believe that you’re some form of sophisticated type. Maybe wear a pullover folded over your shoulders.