
[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 757952, member: 686”]Just had a bit of Lidl Hereford Rib Eye. Soaked in some olive oil, red wine, crushed garlic and pepper for hour before hand and then done on the barby for 3 mins each side.

served with sauted mushrooms, fried onions be 3 potato waffles (no spuds in the house).

Fit for nothing now only couch…[/quote]
Lidl Ribeye & Fillet steaks are top of the shop stuff. Delish. :clap:

Agree. Marinating can be nice for a change.

If you want to marinate something use a chicken breast

I had marinated steak tonight funnily enough-marinated last night with olive oil, a little soy, garlic and lime juice. Threw it on the George Foreman for 2.5 minutes on each side-it was fucking gorgeballs.

I posted about the lidl ribeye steaks months back and Dunph lambasted me for it. It is good to see that other forumites have caught on to these. There are none so blind as this that will not see.

You mad cunt!

The specially selected range in aldi is the best by far.

The George Foreman is an awful thing to cook steaks. It desecrates them.

or fish… has a piece of sea bass yesterday and I made up a marinade of chopped chilli, diced garlic, sesame oil, fish oil, zest of a lime and a tea spoon of honey.


It is not the best way to cook them but if you put a little oil on the meat it turns out fine. I’m not a massive steak fan anyway-I like it but I’d go a couple of months without eating it and it wouldn’t bother me. I’m more of a seafood man.

I would have to agree with that.

All a George foreman is good for is toasting sandwiches.

It makes a mean panini alright.

Or grilling pork chops.

What the fuck do you need a george forman for to cook steak?

You need to put it in a frying pan for 4 minutes max. Why do you need a contraption to do that?

George is for toasted sandwiches and doing sausages and pudding.

I don’t post much on food, I only mastered a fail proof pan of perfect fried eggs a month or two ago

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 757952, member: 686”]Just had a bit of Lidl Hereford Rib Eye. Soaked in some olive oil, red wine, crushed garlic and pepper for hour before hand and then done on the barby for 3 mins each side.

served with sauted mushrooms, fried onions be 3 potato waffles (no spuds in the house).

Fit for nothing now only couch…[/quote]
That’s a good steak KP

Or cooking up a few chicken boobs. In a pinch it will do to cook up some veg to throw into pasta. Not steak though boss.

For a steak marinade try balsamic, Dijon, olive oil, garlic, and a bit of rosemary and bay leaf -very very good.

It was mate.

A have a couple of lovely duck breasts for tomorrow night. I am really looking forward to them:popcorn: