

Garlic Potatoes, pork chops stuffed with Rhubard, and carrots from the garden.



I bought them in a butchers

Smashing bit of chicken, lovely and succulent. Still have half a chicken left for a sandwich later

Having stuffed courgette for starter, home made pizza with chicken with chorizo and salad for main.

[quote=“TreatyStones, post: 835046, member: 1786”]Garlic Potatoes, pork chops stuffed with Rhubard, and carrots from the garden.

More in your line to be on the beer!!:pint:

Leftover roast chicken, bacon, carrots and gravy, mixed up with some fried onion and garlic, topped with mash potato and a bit of cheese and roasted in the oven. Smashing.

A big rib eye, seasoned and cooked to medium rate on the griddle pan with some tomatoes, sweet potato wedges and homemade garlic and chilli beans.

Through good fottune I’ve recently presented with a bounty of marquis potatoes. Wouldn’t normally know the type of spuds I’m eating but these are fine fuckers altogether.

Through the good fortune of being married to a brilliant cook, I was preseted last night with a wonderful pasta dish with beef pesto. Pesto made with parsley and rosemary from the garden, my word it was good.

That was a good website you used to get her

Spiced lamb burgers, mange tout and carrot salad, tomato and avocado salad, sweet and white potato wedges. Stuffed.


Had a lovely bit of gammon steak there which I grilled and seasoned with a small bit of saly, pepper and paprika, had two poached eggs and a baked spud topped with a small bit of relish and cheese with it.

A noble dinner

I had a feed of spare ribs, potato and cabbage earlier on. All lashed to death with brown sauce. Yurt!

I had a cajun chicken sandwich with chips for lunch and then had some Lidl frozen Nasi Goreng which I stir fried after work. Just back from a circuits session and I had an orange and a yogurt with some sort of shortcake topping. I am fucking all over the shop for the last 2 weeks.

I hope you feel terrible about yourself after that carry on.

It’s not something I’m planning but I just keep finding myself with a plate of shit food in front of me-up the fucking walls so going for the quick and easy option I suppose. I was so disgusted with myself I forced myself to lash out a circuits session even though I’m wrecked so now I kind of feel like a winner again but no doubt the self-loathing will be back tomorrow when I’m eating a snack box for breakfast.

I’m very disappointed in you.