
Essential for a Sunday dinner. It was very nice verdicchio, just having another glass now with pizza

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Hickory chips soaking in a shot of Green spot. Sacrilege I know @ironmoth but it’s Christmas.

[quote=“anon7035031, post:12370, topic:7643, full:true”]Hickory chips soaking in a shot of Green spot. Sacrilege I know @ironmoth but it’s Christmas.

Whether or not I categorise you as a philistine depends on what you plan on doing with them next :poultry_leg: What are you smoking?

Prime rib. 20 min at 450F (according to my oven) with the smoke, then an hour at 325 then leave for 20 minutes (covered in tin foil). No can of bud though.

Fuck me…I’ll never ate again…

Never in doubt. Nice one pal :smile: That sounds fantastic. I’ve used beechwood planks on the bbq with salmon and the flavour is immense. Big fan of this sort of carry-on.

We had dinner at great-granny’s place. A simple pineapple salsa took it to a new level, so all is good and right with the world again.

Only in the southwest could they come up with pineapple salsa. Just had the beef, spectacular. Roast potatoes, sweet potatoes, parsnips, onions and mushrooms. Best popovers I have ever made (what the English call Yorkshire pudding like that makes sense). A light gravy with pan drippings, beef stock from the rib bone, red wine, strained juice from boiled carrots with a splash of brandy.

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Quite possibly the second best use for green spot I’ve come across. :clap:

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You see stuff like that mixes together all the time lad.

Are you talking about my custom gravy or the pineapple salsa? You would definitely find something like pineapple salsa in Southeast Asia or Hawaii. In the US salsa with pineapple is a southwest thing.

Look at that @balbec. Smoked haddock and spinach pie.

`<img src="//tfkdatatfk.s3.dualstack.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/original/2X/b/b5d5b3fd306cc8e4d7de4561c0599a457e8df490.jpeg" width=“499” hei


I’d love some of that right now.

It’s all gone, pal sorry. It was beautiful.

Cod goujon box from Rene Cusacks. Handsome.

Excellent. Haven’t had a bit of smoked haddock for years.

Lovely stuff if you get the natural smoked stuff, not the dyed stuff they sell in supermarkets.

4 huevos rancheros, topped with a chilli cheddar and with a side of toast and streaky bacon, washed down with black coffee. A cracking lunch.

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Streaky bacon is a joke for wannabe yanks. Go have your eggs over-easy you freshman hipster. Rashers are king.

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+1 streaky bacon in that form is for peasants

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I agree. But there weren’t rashers in my fridge. So go shove your fist up your own hole.