
What kind of heat, pal?

The low side of medium*

*I have never made cauliflower based pizza but this is an essential step in regular dough base homemade pizza for me. Put the cast iron pan directly in the oven once you put the toppings on. That is if you can fit it in your oven.

Have made a variation of these before. Bread base, rasher wrapped round, some mushrooms or black pudding and then egg on top.

That individual may not have had your best interests at heart - you should find the post, flag it, and treat them with suspicion from here on out.

Apart from being tasty as fuck (which @Tassotti will no doubt attest to after a weekend sourdough binge), it is as good for you as any bread.

Bullet points

  • Lactic and acetic acids ferment the dough (that’s where the taste comes from)
  • The lactic acids make the vitamins and minerals in the flour more available to the body by helping neutralise the phytates in flour that would interfere with their absorption.
  • The acids also slow down the rate at which glucose is released into the blood-stream and lower the bread’s glycaemic index (GI), so it doesn’t cause undesirable spikes in insulin.
  • The acids also render the gluten in flour more digestible and less likely to cause food intolerance.


Would you not just have a bowl of lactic and acetic acids?


It was @KinvarasPassion

Did you report @KinvarasPassion’s post? Best let the mods take it from here.


So you have to use these acids to make the bread digestible … what’s the fucking point? Why not just stay away from bread?

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Have I been sold a pup here or what?

It looks like it mate

Is there any good bread? I was eating soda bread by the barrel load but this seems to be even worse.

Stiched up like a herring

The worst thing you could ate.

I thought i could trust TFK for good advice. This is very disappointing


Come to think of it I am a small bit bloated today. Ironmoth? What’s going on here? Have you fucked me over?

You can’t win with bread, pal…you can ate all the acids you want with it but there’s no winning. If you must, go wholemeal or wholegrain … but be warned, most of the cunts have that plastered on their packaging when they are not - look at the label - 100% wholegrain or wholewheat is what you want… nothing wrong with two slices of bread a day, but I wouldn’t go over it.

Yes mate. All bread is bad for you. @ironmoth has mugged you off, good n’ proper.


I cut it out totally. Looks like I’ll have to do it again. I feel.like I have been stabbed in the back here