
The bloating from bread is unreal… you’ll never regain that Carl Froch 6 pack by ateing it.

Sorry mate, I would have intervened sooner but hadn’t been paying close attention to this thread.
Watch that @ironmoth fella.

I can assure you, I have not stitched you up like the proverbial kipper. Broadly speaking, modern bread is cuntishly bad for you. I, however, urged the health-conscious, non-short-cut taking forumites to consider home-made sourdough bread.

Read the earlier posted article, and the below article, and come back to me. In the meantime, I will consider where this lack of trust leaves our e-friendship.


I see Graham Dwyer is a vegetarian now. That’s the kind of deviant you are dealing with when it comes to veggies.


I’ll tell you one thing. That’s me finished with all bread now forever

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This is potentially spurious advice - the grain is only part of it. You can buy “Super duper 9 grain wholegrain bread” and it is dosed with additives.

Even Tayto sandwiches :open_mouth:

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Exactly, stay away from bread full-stop.

I’d say he still takes a bit of meat.

You betrayed me mate

You’re mugging yourself off listening to the man that ates a bucket of chilli with pasta.

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I feel used

I’m feeling misunderstood and hurt.

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I thought the future was sourdough

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Now it’s just sour though


FAO of @Tassotti:

I completely understand your pain and upset but…


I had sourdough as part of my luncheon. Don’t feel bloated or enzymed.

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Sure, you’d hardly know the difference.

@ironmoth page 51 in the oven now
