
Try @labane recipe fitzy but add in a couple of layers of grilled courgette as well in between. Basically a vegetarian lasagne. PauloTulio the irish food legend highly recommended it.


I put on 2lbs since yesterday after my sourdough splurge at lunch. Its the fucking devil.


Shove em right up your hole…

Go way you!spoofer… @ChocolateMice posted that recipe up at least 3 years ago…you’re a charlatan.

Grand start to the day, superfood du jour included

It must have had an incorrect ratio of acetic acid to lactic acid. Did you report it back to the artisan baker you bought it from?

Nobody is taking you seriously on this thread, your reputation is in tatters.

It was in Brother Hubbard pal where they claim Thibault at Tartine bakery & Vlad at Arun bakery are responsible for their breads so I’ll need to narrow down the search for this particular loaf.

Listen, pal… While sourdough maybe the best of a bad bunch, bread is bad for you in all forms… Just let it go, find a new fad that we can all take up and you will soon be a short lived hero again.

Potato Waffles?

That’s junior leagues stuff… I’m talking Nutri- Bullet or Bullet proof coffee levels of greatness.

Waffles are lovely though, I’d recommend doing them in the toaster. Oven chip levels of goodness to be gotten.

I often stick them on (toaster) with beans or tuna mayo for a quick fix, pal.

+1. I believe beans are soon to be declared a superfood. We’ve winning here pal.

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@Matty_Hislop @ChocolateMice - I’m finding it difficult to let go of the sourdough bread fad. I’m considering a self-imposed ban while I reassess.

You wouldn’t be the first, pal… try meditation

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So do I!

That doesn’t surprise me, pal… You’ve well and truey swanned.

The toaster is a handy way for waffles alright they need to be toasted twice though


No doubt.