
Napkin in the spout of the tea pot and all.

I’d make absolute shit of that right about now tbh.

I don’t understand your point.

You are a charlatan. That’s my point. You come on here pretending to lead a healthy lifestyle and you are eating shite like this.

Everyone is allowed a cheat Fagan. Man does not live on sourdough alone.

It’s more than the odd cheat. This chaps behaviour is habitual.

Steady on there, Ken Kratz. Waffles and beans have not only been cleared by original Diet & Nutrition thread mainstay @ChocolateMice - he also advocates eating them.

He’s a fucking historian. What the fuck would he know about food

He definitely knows his stuff in this sphere and he’s got the physique to prove it. I’ll send you some pictures of him which I saved from his Facebook page before he deleted his profile.



Listen, pal… we are talking about something for a quick fix here… when you’ve not had dinner or just back from the gym and dinner isnt for another 3 hrs… Waffles, while not ideal are a relatively healthy snack, the birdseyes ones are just 100 cals each… ideally @Bandage would just whack a spud in the microwave for 6 mins instead but as snacks go, waffles and beans have an ok ratio of carbs/protein/sugar/fat.


The Ravenous thread was started by @The_Dunph when he was most likely suffering from a worm or other parasitic infection.

In recent times it has become a home for photos of impressive meals, interesting recipes, and healthy food fads / trends. Posts about whether or not waffles are ok and things like calorie intake are probably more in line with the original mandate of the thread, and maybe a new haute cuisine thread is called for.

Did you not ban yourself from this thread?

Ban lifted momentarily - looking to stir up a bit of shit, then head off again for a while. Shhh! Don’t tell anyone, ok?

Of course they only have 100 calories. They’re full of fucking holes.


Who only eats one waffle anyway?

Serial killers.

I didn’t say there was anything wrong with waffles per se, just found it strange that a financial behemoth like our esteemed colleague reverted to posting photos of a modest snack. The full fry referred to by Fagan was fucking awesome though. Any man attacking that plate deserves fulsome praise.


There’s nothing wrong with waffles and beans, pal. It’s a cracking dish. Being a financial behemoth and eating waffles aren’t mutually exclusive, you know.

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Lovely presentation Bandage, I prefer a waffle done under the grill myself, you can judge it a lot better