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Fan grill lads, 300c for 3 or 4 minutes

A bit of cheddar cheese mate

Interesting article - maybe a gamechanger

High carb diets make you hungrier. Hunger is a mood

Hunger isn’t in your stomach or your blood-sugar levels. It’s in your mind – and that’s where we need to shape up

Eating is a habit

300C my hole. What are you, a blacksmith?


It still kills you doesn’t it.

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I told you before; go fuck yourself,

Just in case idiots like Moronandshite look in, my lack of patience is aimed at @feck_it and not my Roman Catholic brother @hbv, God Bless.

Just back from the park. I’ve mammy j’s trademark stew on the go. Lamb pieces, carrots, onions and spuds with just mustard white pepper and salt for seasoning. Nothing else.* A couple of hours on a slow simmer and this baby is gorgeous.

*Obviously I added garlic because I’m physically incapable of cooking without it but it’s not in the recipe.

That’s an unreal heat.

Roast chicken with roast potatoe and vegetables and a red wine jus. Unreal


Slow Cooked beef this evening, top notch.

I’m partial to a bit of slow cooked beef myself, what cut did you use and how did you do it?

That looks lovely Fran. But I noticed with the last Sunday dinner pic you put that there was no greens either. Would you not throw some runner beans or sprouts in there to liven it up?

I agree it was lacking some asparagus, green beans or peas. I’ll look to remedy that next weekend

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You should introduce a bit of broccoli kid.

There are few things finer than a roast chicken. I had one today myself. Similar effort to yourself with a head of broccoli and a few parsnips mashed.
I find the nicest way to cook a chicken these days is to spatchcock it or even cut in in two halfs and cook it low and slow about 150c for 2 hours covered in tinfoil then fire up the burners and give her a dose of the fan grill at 300c, turn the sexy little cunt every few minutes until she is crispy as fuck all over and soft and moist inside.



Fucking hell. That sounds immense. Good call on the broccoli. I go off it for a few weeks every so often for some reason though.

Who in the blue hell are you?

Made a lovely bread and butter pudding there today. Served it with custard.